Manipulate CP2K Pdos Files#

Processing Single PDOS File#

from cp2kdata import Cp2kPdos
dosfile = "Universality-ALPHA_k2-1_50.pdos"
mypdos = Cp2kPdos(dosfile)
dos, ener = mypdos.get_dos(sigma=1, dos_type="total")

If DOS is parsed from LDOS files, dos_type=custom is preferred, which can be used together with usecols. usecols accepts tuple with int elements. For example, usecols=(3, 4, 5)

dosfile = "water-list1-1_0.pdos
mypdos = Cp2kPdos(dosfile)
dos, ener = mypdos.get_dos(dos_type='custom', usecols=(3, 4, 5))

Quickplot of PDOS Files in Single Point Energy Calculation#

from cp2kdata.pdos import quick_plot_uks, quick_plot_rks
Calculation_dir = "./"
# if uks calculation use this
# if rks calculation use this