Workflow: Calculation of Dielectric Constant#

This workflow is under testing and not yet to be used

This workflow is powered by dpdispatcher

This workflow only uses CP2K


eckits wkflow calc_diel -i input.yaml -m machine.yaml -r resources.yaml

Example: input.yaml for the calculation of global dielectric constant:

input_file: "template.inp" # the template file of cp2k input.
eps_type: "optical" # optical or static
scale: "global"   # global or atomic
intensity_array: [0.0000, 0.0001, 0.0002] # List for global or Value for atomic
axis: "z" # the direction in which the electric field is applied
output_dir: "./output"  # the directory/folder that saves the calculations and resutls
command: "srun cp2k.psmp -i input.inp" # command to run cp2k in
extra_forward_files: [
  "" # extra files that are copied to calculation
extra_forward_common_files: [ # extra common files that are copied to calculation
restart_wfn: "restart.wfn" # the path of restart wavefunction for calculation

Example: input.yaml for the calculation of atomic dielectric constant:

input_file: "template.inp"
eps_type: "optical"
scale: "atomic"
intensity: 0.0001
axis: "z"
output_dir: "./output"
command: "srun cp2k.psmp -i input.inp"
extra_forward_files: [
extra_forward_common_files: [
restart_wfn:   "restart.wfn"

Example: machine.yaml:

batch_type: "Slurm"
context_type: "LocalContext"
local_root: "./"
remote_root: "./work_dir"

Example: resources.yaml:

cpu_per_node: 12
gpu_per_node: 1
number_node: 4
exclude_list: []
  - "#SBATCH --job-name='miniwkflow'"
  - "#SBATCH --account='blabla'"
  - "#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL"
  - "#SBATCH --mail-user=blabla"
  - "#SBATCH --constraint=gpu"
  - "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1"
  - "#SBATCH --time=24:00:00"
source_list: []
  - "daint-gpu"
  - "CP2K"
  - "ulimit -s unlimited"
time_limit: "24:00:00"
queue_name: "normal"
group_size: 1


Global Dielectric Constant#

The reuslted figure would be saved in output_dir/”dielectric_fitting.png” GloabalDielectic

Atomic Dielectric Constant#

The reuslted figure would be saved in output_dir/”dielectric_profile.png” AtomicDielectic


ECToolkits provides the workflow for calculating ab initio dielectric constant using CP2K.

For detail description, users are referred to this paper [Umari and Pasquarello, 2002] for the calculation of global dielectric constant, and this paper [Giustino and Pasquarello, 2005] for the calculation of atomic dielectric constant

Basically, we need to calculate dipole moments with varying electric fields. Then, fit the data to the following equation:

\[ \varepsilon = 4\pi\frac{M}{\Omega E} + 1 \]