Source code for ectoolkits.analysis.acidity
# this module collect acidity calculation functions
from cp2kdata.units import *
import numpy as np
# see reference
# quantum correction term Delta A qc
[docs]def get_quantum_correction_hydronium(T=298):
H3O_frequencies_list = np.array([1032, 1668, 1692, 3449, 3523, 3540])
H2O_frequencies_list = np.array([1610, 3710, 3820])
quant_corr_hydronium = get_quantum_correction(
H3O_frequencies_list, T=T) - get_quantum_correction(H2O_frequencies_list, T=298)
return quant_corr_hydronium
[docs]def get_quantum_correction(frequencies_list, T):
# frequencies in cm-1
"""get quantum correction acidity calculation
quant_vib_fe = get_quant_vib_fe(frequencies_list=frequencies_list)
cls_vib_fe = get_cls_vib_fe(frequencies_list=frequencies_list, T=T)
quant_corr = quant_vib_fe - cls_vib_fe
return quant_corr
[docs]def get_quant_vib_fe(frequencies_list):
quant_vib_fe = np.sum(frequencies_list) * 0.5 * WaveNumber2eV
return quant_vib_fe
[docs]def get_cls_vib_fe(frequencies_list, T):
cls_vib_fe = -kB * T * \
np.log(*T) / (frequencies_list * WaveNumber2eV)))
return cls_vib_fe
# dummy insertion free energy
[docs]def get_dummy_insert_fe(frequencies_list, T):
fAd = get_partition_ratio(frequencies_list, T=T)
Delta_A_Ad = _get_dummy_insert_fe(fAd, T)
return Delta_A_Ad
[docs]def get_dummy_insert_fe_hydronium(T=298):
fH2Od = get_partition_ratio_hydronium(T=T)
Delta_A_H2Od = _get_dummy_insert_fe(fH2Od, T=T)
return Delta_A_H2Od
def _get_dummy_insert_fe(fAd, T):
"""get dummy insertion free energy
\Delta A_{Ad} = -kBT ln(c0 \Lambda_{\ce{H+}}^{3} f_{Ad})
frequencies_list (_type_): _description_
T (_type_): _description_
c0 = NAvo * 1.0e-27 # 1 mol dm-3, or 1 per Ang-3
Lambda_H = 1.01 # at 298K
Lambda_Hpow3 = np.power(Lambda_H, 3)
Delta_A_Ad = -kB * T * np.log(c0 * Lambda_Hpow3 * fAd)
return Delta_A_Ad
[docs]def get_partition_ratio(frequencies_list, T=298):
prod_theta_vib =
Tpow3 = np.power(T, 3)
fAd = Tpow3 / prod_theta_vib
return fAd
[docs]def get_partition_ratio_hydronium(T=298):
# moment of inertia (I) in atomic unit
# frequency of a vibration mode in cm-1
I_H2O = np.array([4150, 7740, 11890])
freq_H2O = np.array([1610, 3650, 3750])
q_H2O = get_gas_partition(freq_H2O, I_H2O, T=T, sigma=2)
I_H2Od = np.array([10430, 10710, 15780])
freq_H2Od = np.array([1450, 1810, 1920, 3340, 3660, 3760])
q_H2Od = get_gas_partition(freq_H2Od, I_H2Od, T=T, sigma=1)
fH2Od = q_H2Od/q_H2O
return fH2Od
[docs]def get_gas_partition(frequencies_list, I_list, T, sigma):
"""only used for H2Od and H2O gas partition function.
In high temperature limit
frequencies_list (_type_): _description_
I_list (_type_): _description_
T (_type_): _description_
sigma (_type_): _description_
_type_: _description_
pi_sqrt = np.sqrt(np.pi)
n = len(frequencies_list)
Tpown = np.power(T, n)
prod_theta_vib =
Tpow3 = np.power(T, 3)
prod_theta_rot =
constant = pi_sqrt / sigma
partition = Tpown / prod_theta_vib * \
constant * np.sqrt(Tpow3 / prod_theta_rot)
return partition
[docs]def get_vib_temp(frequency):
"""frequency in cm-1
frequency (_type_): _description_
_type_: _description_
vib_temp = frequency * WaveNumber2eV / kB
return vib_temp
[docs]def get_rot_temp(I):
"""moment of inertia (I) in atomic unit
see ref eq
B = hbar^2 / 2I
theta_rot = B/kB
I_list (_type_): _description_
hbar_au = hbar / au2J / au2s
B = np.power(hbar_au, 2) * 0.5 / I
kB_au = kB / au2eV
theta_rot = B / kB_au
return theta_rot