import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
from cp2kdata.units import au2A, au2eV
from typing import List
# these codes are adapted from the original codes of komsa
# reference:
# Komsa, H.-P. & Pasquarello, A. Finite-Size Supercell Correction for Charged Defects at Surfaces and Interfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 095505 (2013).
[docs]def integer3D(f, paramcell):
dv =, dtype=float)
x = np.sum(f)*dv
return x
# write cell
[docs]class Paramcell:
def __init__(self, length, divi, h):
The documentation of Paramcell class
length: list or array
The length of the cell in bohr
divi: list or array
The number of grid points in each direction
h: float
The grid spacing in bohr
if len(length) == 1 and isinstance(length, float):
self.length = np.array([length, length, length])
elif len(length) == 3:
self.length = np.array(length)
if divi == 0:
self.h = h
self.divi = np.round(self.length/self.h)
self.divi = np.array(divi)
self.h = self.length/self.divi
self.divi = self.divi.astype(int)
self.volume =
# write charge
[docs]class GaussCharge:
def __init__(self, Q, pos, width, paramcell, recip=False, mode='r'):
The documentation of GaussCharge class
Q: float
The charge in e
pos: list or array
The position of the charge in bohr
width: float
The width of the Gaussian in bohr
paramcell: Paramcell
The cell information
recip: bool
If True, the reciprocal space charge density will be generated
self.Q = Q
self.pos = pos
self.width = width
self.paramcell = paramcell
self.rhocc = np.zeros(paramcell.divi)
self.mode = 'r'
cdisp = np.round(self.pos/paramcell.h - paramcell.divi/2)
cdisp = cdisp.astype(int)
drem = self.pos/paramcell.h - cdisp
x0 = np.arange(0, paramcell.divi[0])-drem[0]
y0 = np.arange(0, paramcell.divi[1])-drem[1]
z0 = np.arange(0, paramcell.divi[2])-drem[2]
x1 = np.roll(x0, cdisp[0])*paramcell.h[0]
y1 = np.roll(y0, cdisp[1])*paramcell.h[1]
z1 = np.roll(z0, cdisp[2])*paramcell.h[2]
[self.X, self.Y, self.Z] = np.meshgrid(x1, y1, z1, indexing='ij')
if not recip:
r = np.sqrt(np.power(self.X, 2) +
np.power(self.Y, 2)+np.power(self.Z, 2))
sigma = self.width
if self.mode == 'p':
self.rhocc = self.rhocc + \
np.divide(Q, r) * erf(np.divide(r, np.sqrt(2)*sigma))
elif self.mode == 'r':
self.rhocc = self.rhocc + np.divide(Q, np.power((sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)), 3)) * np.exp(
np.divide(-np.power(r, 2), 2*np.power(sigma, 2)))
print('Generate reciprocal space charge density')
gs = 2*np.pi/paramcell.length
gx0 = np.ceil(
np.arange(-paramcell.divi[0]/2, paramcell.divi[0]/2)) * gs[0]
gy0 = np.ceil(
np.arange(-paramcell.divi[1]/2, paramcell.divi[1]/2)) * gs[1]
gz0 = np.ceil(
np.arange(-paramcell.divi[2]/2, paramcell.divi[2]/2)) * gs[2]
[Gx, Gy, Gz] = np.meshgrid(gx0, gy0, gz0, indexing='ij')
Gr = np.power(Gx, 2)+np.power(Gy, 2)+np.power(Gz, 2)
dv =, dtype=float) / \, dtype=float)
rhok = Q*np.exp(-0.25*(2*np.power(self.width, 2))*Gr)
apos = self.pos
rhok = rhok * np.exp(-1j*(Gx*apos[0]+Gy*apos[1]+Gz*apos[2]))
self.rhok = rhok
self.rhocc = np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(rhok))/dv
self.rhocc = self.rhocc.real
# print(rhocc.max())
[docs]class DielProfile:
def __init__(self,
diel_list: List[float],
The documentation of DielProfile class
z_interface_list: list or array
The position of the interface in bohr
diel_list: list or array
The dielectric constant of each layer
beta_list: list or array
The decay length of each layer
paramcell: Paramcell
The cell information
self.z_interface_list = z_interface_list
if isinstance(diel_list, np.ndarray):
self.diel_list_perp = diel_list
self.diel_list_para = diel_list
print("The gievn dielectric constant is isotropic")
print("The dielectric constant is {}".format(self.diel_list_perp))
elif isinstance(diel_list, dict):
self.diel_list_perp = diel_list['perp']
self.diel_list_para = diel_list['para']
print("The gievn dielectric constant is anisotropic")
print("The dielectric constant in the direction perpendicular to the interface is {}".format(
print("The dielectric constant in the direction parallel to the interface is {}".format(
raise ValueError(
"The type of dielectric constant is not supported, please give a list or dict")
self.beta_list = beta_list
self.paramcell = paramcell
self.dielz_perp = self.gen_diel_profile(self.diel_list_perp)
self.dielz_para = self.gen_diel_profile(self.diel_list_para)
print("Generate dielectric profile finished")
[docs] def gen_diel_profile(self, diel_list):
len_z = self.paramcell.length[2]
h = self.paramcell.h[2]
z_gridpoints = self.paramcell.divi[2]
z0 = np.arange(0, z_gridpoints)*h
dielz = np.zeros(z_gridpoints)
for k in range(z_gridpoints):
zif = 1e6
mif = -1
for m in range(len(self.z_interface_list)):
cdis = self.perdz(z0[k], self.z_interface_list[m], len_z)
if np.abs(cdis) < np.abs(zif):
zif = cdis
mif = m
if zif > 0:
dielz[k] = self.ifmodel(
zif, diel_list[mif], diel_list[mif+1], self.beta_list[mif])
dielz[k] = self.ifmodel(
zif, diel_list[mif], diel_list[mif+1], self.beta_list[mif])
return dielz
[docs] @staticmethod
def ifmodel(z, diel1, diel2, beta):
a = 0.5 * (diel2 - diel1)
b = 0.5 * (diel2 + diel1)
diel = a*erf(z/beta) + b
return diel
[docs] @staticmethod
def perdz(z1, z2, len_z):
dz = z1-z2
if dz > len_z/2:
dz = dz - len_z
elif dz < -len_z/2:
dz = dz + len_z
return dz
[docs]class PBCPoissonSolver:
def __init__(self, gauss_charge: GaussCharge, diel_profile: DielProfile, paramcell: Paramcell):
self.gauss_charge = gauss_charge
self.diel_profile = diel_profile
self.paramcell = paramcell
# neutralize the cell
self.rho = self.gauss_charge.rhocc - self.gauss_charge.Q/self.paramcell.volume
length = paramcell.length
gridsize = paramcell.divi
Gs = 2*np.pi/length
Gx0 = np.ceil(np.arange(-gridsize[0]/2, gridsize[0]/2)) * Gs[0]
Gy0 = np.ceil(np.arange(-gridsize[1]/2, gridsize[1]/2)) * Gs[1]
Gz0 = np.ceil(np.arange(-gridsize[2]/2, gridsize[2]/2)) * Gs[2]
Gx0 = np.fft.ifftshift(Gx0)
Gy0 = np.fft.ifftshift(Gy0)
Gz0 = np.fft.ifftshift(Gz0)
# TODO: temporal solution, please finish this step in GaussCharge Class
rhok = np.fft.fftn(4*np.pi*self.rho)
self.rhok = rhok
# rhok_tmp = self.gauss_charge.rhok
# print((rhok_tmp-rhok).max())
# both diel_profile.dielz_perp and diel_profile.dielz_para should be generated in DielProfile class
dielGz_perp = np.fft.fft(self.diel_profile.dielz_perp)
dielGz_para = np.fft.fft(self.diel_profile.dielz_para)
LGz = len(Gz0)
# Circular convolution matrix
# TODO: need to be enhanced to anisotropic case
first_row = np.concatenate(([dielGz_perp[0]], dielGz_perp[:0:-1]))
Ag1_perp = toeplitz(dielGz_perp, first_row)/LGz
first_row = np.concatenate(([dielGz_para[0]], dielGz_para[:0:-1]))
Ag1_para = toeplitz(dielGz_para, first_row)/LGz
Ag2 = np.outer(Gz0, Gz0)
# VGz = np.zeros(LGz)
Vk = np.zeros(rhok.shape, dtype=complex)
# perp
for k in range(len(Gx0)):
for m in range(len(Gy0)):
G_para = np.power(Gx0[k], 2) + np.power(Gy0[m], 2)
Ag = np.multiply(Ag1_perp, Ag2) + np.multiply(Ag1_para, G_para)
# G=0 hack!
if (k == 0) and (m == 0):
Ag[0, 0] = 1
Vk[k, m, :] = np.linalg.solve(Ag, rhok[k, m, :])
Vk[0, 0, 0] = 0
self.V = np.fft.ifftn(Vk).real