Source code for ectoolkits.analysis.reweight

from string import Template
from typing import Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from ectoolkits.log import get_logger

# adapted from that written by Michele Invernizzi

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def read_cv(colvar_file: str, usecols: int, dim:int, ): if dim == 1 and len(usecols) == 1: cv = np.loadtxt(colvar_file, usecols=usecols) return cv elif dim == 2 and len(usecols) == 2: cv = np.loadtxt(colvar_file, usecols=usecols) cv_x = cv[:, 0] cv_y = cv[:, 1] return cv_x, cv_y
[docs]def read_bias(colvar_file: str, usecols: int=3, ) -> npt.NDArray: bias = np.loadtxt(colvar_file, usecols=usecols) return bias
[docs]def compute_bw_silverman(cv_array: npt.NDArray, dim: int, **kwargs, ) -> float: """ Compute bandwidths using Silverman's rule of thumb. Parameters: cv_array (npt.NDArray): The input array for which the bandwidth is to be computed. dim (int): The dimensionality of the data. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. - weights (optional, array-like): Weights for the data points. - bias_factor (optional, float): Bias factor to adjust the bandwidth. Default is 1.0. Returns: float: The computed bandwidth. Notes: - If weights are provided, the effective sample size (neff) is computed. - The bandwidth is computed using the formula: bw = sigma_0 / (sqrt(bias_factor)) * ((neff * (dim + 2) / 4.0) ** (-1.0 / (dim + 4.0))) - The function prints intermediate values for sigma_0, number of configurations (nconf), effective sample size (neff), and the computed bandwidth (bw). """ weights = kwargs.get('weights', None) bias_factor = kwargs.get('bias_factor', 1.0) if weights is not None: neff = np.power(np.sum(weights), 2) / np.sum(np.power(weights, 2)) else: neff = cv_array.shape[0] sigma_0 = cv_array.std() #sigma_0 = sigma_0/ bw = sigma_0/(np.sqrt(bias_factor))*np.power((neff *(dim+2)/4.0), -1.0/(dim+4.0))"sigma_0 {sigma_0:.3f} nconf: {cv_array.shape[0]} neff: {neff:.3f} bw: {bw:.3f}") return bw
[docs]def read_fes(file_fes: str, dim: int, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray], Tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray] ]: """ Read the free energy surface (FES) data from PLUMED fes files. """ if dim == 2: if 'num_grid_points_x' not in kwargs or 'num_grid_points_y' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("For 2D FES, 'num_grid_points_x' and 'num_grid_points_y' must be provided in kwargs.") num_grid_points_x = kwargs.get('num_grid_points_x', None) num_grid_points_y = kwargs.get('num_grid_points_y', None) if dim == 2: print("Reading 2D FES") X = np.loadtxt(file_fes, usecols=0) Y = np.loadtxt(file_fes, usecols=1) Z = np.loadtxt(file_fes, usecols=2) X = X.reshape(num_grid_points_x, num_grid_points_y) Y = Y.reshape(num_grid_points_x, num_grid_points_y) Z = Z.reshape(num_grid_points_x, num_grid_points_y) Z = Z*0.0103636 # to eV Z_min = np.min(Z) Z = Z - Z_min return X,Y,Z elif dim == 1: print("Reading 1D FES") x = np.loadtxt(file_fes, usecols=0) z = np.loadtxt(file_fes, usecols=1) z = z*0.0103636 # to eV z_min = np.min(z) z = z - z_min return x, z else: raise ValueError("dim should be either 1 or 2")
[docs]def make_grid(grid_bin_cv_x: int, cv_x_min: float, cv_x_max: float, dim: int, **kwargs ) -> Union[npt.NDArray, Tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray]]: """ Generates a grid of coordinates based on the specified parameters. Parameters: grid_bin_cv_x (int): Number of bins for the x-axis. grid_bin_cv_y (int): Number of bins for the y-axis. cv_x_min (float): Minimum value for the x-axis. cv_x_max (float): Maximum value for the x-axis. cv_y_min (float): Minimum value for the y-axis. cv_y_max (float): Maximum value for the y-axis. Returns: tuple: one 1D array representing the x coordinates of the grid. tuple: Two 2D arrays representing the x and y coordinates of the grid. """ grid_bin_cv_x += 1 gird_cv_x_min = cv_x_min gird_cv_x_max = cv_x_max grid_cv_x = np.linspace(gird_cv_x_min, gird_cv_x_max, grid_bin_cv_x) if dim == 1: return grid_cv_x elif dim == 2: gird_cv_y_min = kwargs.get("cv_y_min", None) gird_cv_y_max = kwargs.get("cv_y_max", None) grid_bin_cv_y = kwargs.get("grid_bin_cv_y", None) grid_bin_cv_y += 1 grid_cv_y = np.linspace(gird_cv_y_min, gird_cv_y_max, grid_bin_cv_y) X,Y=np.meshgrid(grid_cv_x,grid_cv_y) return X, Y
[docs]def calc_one_FES_point(cv_x: npt.NDArray, bias: npt.NDArray, point_x: float, sigma_x: float, kbT: float, dim: int, **kwargs ) -> float: """ Calculate the free energy surface (FES) value for a given point. Parameters: - cv_x: float, x-coordinate of the collective variable (CV) - cv_y: float, y-coordinate of the collective variable (CV) - bias: float, bias potential value - point_x: float, x-coordinate of the point - point_y: float, y-coordinate of the point - sigma_x: float, standard deviation of the x-coordinate - sigma_y: float, standard deviation of the y-coordinate - kbT: float, product of Boltzmann constant and temperature Returns: - fes: float, free energy surface value for the given point """ cv_y = kwargs.get("cv_y", None) point_y = kwargs.get("point_y", None) sigma_y = kwargs.get("sigma_y", None) bias = bias / kbT dist_x = (point_x - cv_x) / sigma_x if dim == 1: arg = bias - 0.5*dist_x*dist_x elif dim == 2: dist_y = (point_y - cv_y) / sigma_y arg = bias - 0.5*dist_x*dist_x - 0.5*dist_y*dist_y else: raise ValueError("dim should be either 1 or 2") fes = -kbT*np.logaddexp.reduce(arg) return fes
#TODO: add documentation in jupyter book
[docs]def calc_FES(cv_x: npt.NDArray, bandwidth_x: float, nbins_x: int, bias: npt.NDArray, kbT: float, dim: int=2, **kwargs, ) -> npt.NDArray: """ Calculate the Free Energy Surface (FES) using the provided collective variables (CVs) and bias. Parameters: cv_x (npt.NDArray): Collective variable values along the x-axis. bandwidth_x (float): Bandwidth for the Gaussian kernel along the x-axis. nbins_x (int): Number of bins along the x-axis for the grid. bias (npt.NDArray): Bias values corresponding to the CVs. must be divied by kbT to make it dimensionless before passing to this function. kbT (float): Thermal energy (Boltzmann constant times temperature). dim (int, optional): Dimensionality of the FES calculation (1 or 2). Default is 2. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments: - cv_y (npt.NDArray, optional): Collective variable values along the y-axis (for 2D FES). - bandwidth_y (float, optional): Bandwidth for the Gaussian kernel along the y-axis (for 2D FES). - nbins_y (int, optional): Number of bins along the y-axis for the grid (for 2D FES). - min_cv_x (float, optional): Minimum value of the CV along the x-axis. - max_cv_x (float, optional): Maximum value of the CV along the x-axis. - min_cv_y (float, optional): Minimum value of the CV along the y-axis (for 2D FES). - max_cv_y (float, optional): Maximum value of the CV along the y-axis (for 2D FES). - save_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the FES data to a file. Default is True. - name_file (str, optional): Filename to save the FES data. Default is "fes.dat". - name_cv_x (str, optional): Name of the CV along the x-axis. Default is "cv_x". - name_cv_y (str, optional): Name of the CV along the y-axis. Default is "cv_y". Returns: np.ndarray: Calculated FES values on the grid. """ # Extract the keyword arguments save_file = kwargs.get("save_file", True) name_file = kwargs.get("name_file", "fes.dat") name_cv_x = kwargs.get("name_cv_x", "cv_x") min_cv_x = kwargs.get("min_cv_x", cv_x.min()) max_cv_x = kwargs.get("max_cv_x", cv_x.max()) # the syntax is ugly.. any better way to do this? template_header_1d = \ """Free energy surface generated by ECToolkits FIELDS ${name_cv_x} () free_energy (kJ/mol) SET min_${name_cv_x} ${min_cv_x} SET max_${name_cv_x} ${max_cv_x} SET num_grid_points_${name_cv_x} ${num_grid_points_x}""" template_header_2d = \ """Free energy surface generated by ECToolkits FIELDS ${name_cv_x} () ${name_cv_y} () free_energy (kJ/mol) SET min_${name_cv_x} ${min_cv_x} SET max_${name_cv_x} ${max_cv_x} SET num_grid_points_${name_cv_x} ${num_grid_points_x} SET min_${name_cv_y} ${min_cv_y} SET max_${name_cv_y} ${max_cv_y} SET num_grid_points_${name_cv_y} ${num_grid_points_y}""" if dim == 1:"Calculating 1D FES") fes_x = make_grid(grid_bin_cv_x=nbins_x, cv_x_min=min_cv_x, cv_x_max=max_cv_x, dim=dim ) # Note the num_grid_points_x are nbins_x+1 num_grid_points_x = len(fes_x) fes = np.zeros(num_grid_points_x) for i in range(num_grid_points_x):' working... {(i/num_grid_points_x):.0%}') fes[i] = calc_one_FES_point(cv_x=cv_x, bias=bias, point_x=fes_x[i], sigma_x=bandwidth_x, kbT=kbT, dim=dim) if save_file: header = Template(template_header_1d).substitute(name_cv_x=name_cv_x, min_cv_x=f"{min_cv_x:10.3f}", max_cv_x=f"{max_cv_x:10.3f}", num_grid_points_x=num_grid_points_x, ) np.savetxt(name_file, np.array([fes_x.flatten(), fes.flatten()]).T, fmt="%.6f", header=header, ) return fes elif dim == 2:"Calculating 2D FES") name_cv_y = kwargs.get("name_cv_y", "cv_y") cv_y = kwargs.get("cv_y", None) bandwidth_y = kwargs.get("bandwidth_y", None) nbins_y = kwargs.get("nbins_y", None) min_cv_y = kwargs.get("min_cv_y", cv_y.min()) max_cv_y = kwargs.get("max_cv_y", cv_y.max()) fes_x, fes_y = make_grid(grid_bin_cv_x=nbins_x, grid_bin_cv_y=nbins_y, cv_x_min=min_cv_x, cv_x_max=max_cv_x, cv_y_min=min_cv_y, cv_y_max=max_cv_y, dim=dim, ) # Note the num_grid_points_x and num_grid_points_y are nbins_x+1 and nbins_y+1 num_grid_points_x = len(fes_x) num_grid_points_y = len(fes_y) fes = np.zeros((num_grid_points_x, num_grid_points_y)) for i in range(num_grid_points_x):' working... {(i/num_grid_points_x):.0%}') for j in range(num_grid_points_y): fes[i, j] = calc_one_FES_point(cv_x=cv_x, cv_y=cv_y, bias=bias, point_x=fes_x[i, j], point_y=fes_y[i, j], sigma_x=bandwidth_x, sigma_y=bandwidth_y, kbT=kbT, dim=dim, ) if save_file: header = Template(template_header_2d).substitute(name_cv_x=name_cv_x, name_cv_y=name_cv_y, min_cv_x=f"{min_cv_x:10.3f}", max_cv_x=f"{max_cv_x:10.3f}", num_grid_points_x=num_grid_points_x, min_cv_y=f"{min_cv_y:10.3f}", max_cv_y=f"{max_cv_y:10.3f}", num_grid_points_y=num_grid_points_y, ) np.savetxt(name_file, np.array([fes_x.flatten(), fes_y.flatten(), fes.flatten()]).T, fmt="%.6f", header=header, ) return fes else: raise ValueError("dim should be either 1 or 2")
#TODO: add pytest for this function
[docs]def calc_one_property_point(cv_x: npt.NDArray, bias: npt.NDArray, point_x: float, bandwidth_x: float, kbT: float, dim: int, prop: npt.NDArray, **kwargs, ) -> float: cv_y = kwargs.get("cv_y", None) point_y = kwargs.get("point_y", None) bandwidth_y = kwargs.get("bandwidth_y", None) bias = bias/kbT dist_x = (point_x - cv_x) / bandwidth_x if dim == 1: arg = bias - 0.5*dist_x*dist_x elif dim == 2: dist_y = (point_y - cv_y) / bandwidth_y arg = bias - 0.5*dist_x*dist_x - 0.5*dist_y*dist_y arg = np.exp(arg) #fes = -kbT*np.log(np.sum(np.exp(arg))) #TODO: log proper then logaddexp? denominator = np.sum(arg) numerator = np.sum(prop*arg) reweighted_prop = numerator / denominator return reweighted_prop
[docs]def calc_property_surface(cv_x: npt.NDArray, bias: npt.NDArray, prop: npt.NDArray, bandwidth_x: float, kbT: float, nbins_x: int, dim: int = 2, **kwargs, ): """ Calculates the property surface based on the given input parameters. Parameters: """ save_file = kwargs.get("save_file", True) name_file = kwargs.get("name_file", "prop_surface.dat") name_cv_x = kwargs.get("name_cv_x", "cv_x") min_cv_x = kwargs.get("min_cv_x", cv_x.min()) max_cv_x = kwargs.get("max_cv_x", cv_x.max()) # the syntax is ugly.. any better way to do this? template_header_1d = \ """Free energy surface generated by ECToolkits FIELDS ${name_cv_x} () Property () SET min_${name_cv_x} ${min_cv_x} SET max_${name_cv_x} ${max_cv_x} SET num_grid_points_${name_cv_x} ${num_grid_points_x}""" template_header_2d = \ """Free energy surface generated by ECToolkits FIELDS ${name_cv_x} () ${name_cv_y} () Property () SET min_${name_cv_x} ${min_cv_x} SET max_${name_cv_x} ${max_cv_x} SET num_grid_points_${name_cv_x} ${num_grid_points_x} SET min_${name_cv_y} ${min_cv_y} SET max_${name_cv_y} ${max_cv_y} SET num_grid_points_${name_cv_y} ${num_grid_points_y}""" if dim == 1:"Calculating 1D property surface") fes_x = make_grid(grid_bin_cv_x=nbins_x, cv_x_min=min_cv_x, cv_x_max=max_cv_x, dim=dim ) num_grid_points_x = len(fes_x) prop_surface = np.zeros(num_grid_points_x) for i in range(num_grid_points_x):' working... {(i/num_grid_points_x):.0%}') prop_surface[i] = calc_one_property_point(cv_x=cv_x, bias=bias, point_x=fes_x[i], bandwidth_x=bandwidth_x, kbT=kbT, dim=dim, prop=prop, ) if save_file: header = Template(template_header_1d).substitute(name_cv_x=name_cv_x, min_cv_x=f"{min_cv_x:10.3f}", max_cv_x=f"{max_cv_x:10.3f}", num_grid_points_x=num_grid_points_x, ) np.savetxt(name_file, np.array([fes_x.flatten(), prop_surface.flatten()]).T, fmt="%.6f", header=header, ) return prop_surface elif dim == 2:"Calculating 2D property surface") name_cv_y = kwargs.get("name_cv_y", "cv_y") cv_y = kwargs.get("cv_y", None) bandwidth_y = kwargs.get("bandwidth_y", None) nbins_y = kwargs.get("nbins_y", None) min_cv_y = kwargs.get("min_cv_y", cv_y.min()) max_cv_y = kwargs.get("max_cv_y", cv_y.max()) fes_x, fes_y = make_grid(grid_bin_cv_x=nbins_x, grid_bin_cv_y=nbins_y, cv_x_min=min_cv_x, cv_x_max=max_cv_x, cv_y_min=min_cv_y, cv_y_max=max_cv_y, dim=dim, ) # Note the num_grid_points_x and num_grid_points_y are nbins_x+1 and nbins_y+1 num_grid_points_x = len(fes_x) num_grid_points_y = len(fes_y) prop_surface = np.zeros((num_grid_points_x, num_grid_points_y)) for i in range(num_grid_points_x):' working... {(i/num_grid_points_x):.0%}') for j in range(num_grid_points_y): prop_surface[i, j] = calc_one_property_point(cv_x=cv_x, cv_y=cv_y, bias=bias, point_x=fes_x[i, j], point_y=fes_y[i, j], bandwidth_x=bandwidth_x, bandwidth_y=bandwidth_y, kbT=kbT, dim=dim, prop=prop, ) if save_file: header = Template(template_header_2d).substitute(name_cv_x=name_cv_x, name_cv_y=name_cv_y, min_cv_x=f"{min_cv_x:10.3f}", max_cv_x=f"{max_cv_x:10.3f}", num_grid_points_x=num_grid_points_x, min_cv_y=f"{min_cv_y:10.3f}", max_cv_y=f"{max_cv_y:10.3f}", num_grid_points_y=num_grid_points_y, ) np.savetxt(name_file, np.array([fes_x.flatten(), fes_y.flatten(), prop_surface.flatten()]).T, fmt="%.6f", header=header, ) return prop_surface else: raise ValueError("dim should be either 1 or 2")