import os
import numpy as np
from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisBase
from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import (calc_bonds,
from ..utils.rutile110 import (count_cn,
from ..utils.utils import create_path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # N O T I C E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# All of the following analysis methods are child classes for
# MDAnalysis's AnalysisBase. They all use MDAnalysis's atomgroup object as input.
# Below are some ways for you to properly prepare such atomgroup objects:
# >>> from MDAnalysis import Universe
# >>> from import read
# 1. from a xyz file ""
# >>> atoms = read("init.cif")
# >>> u = Universe("")
# >>> u.dimensions = atoms.cell.cellpar() # Required. Provide cell info for NVT traj.
# >>> u.trajectory.ts.dt = 0.00005 # Optional. To suppress a warning.
# >>> ag = u.atoms
# 2. from a pickled universe file "traj.uni"
# >>> import pickle
# >>> atoms = read("init.cif")
# >>> with open("traj.uni", 'rb') as f:
# ... u = pickle.load(f)
# >>> u.dimensions = atoms.cell.cellpar() # Required. Provide cell info for NVT traj.
# >>> u.trajectory.ts.dt = 0.00005 # Optional. To suppress a warning.
# >>> ag = u.atoms
# 3. from a AMBER netCDF file "traj.ncdf"
# >>> atoms = read("init.cif")
# >>> u = Universe("traj.ncdf")
# >>> u.add_TopologyAttr("elements", np.array(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()))
# # Required. AMBER netCDF trajs don't have element info
# >>> u.dimensions = atoms.cell.cellpar() # Required. Provide cell info for NVT traj.
# >>> u.trajectory.ts.dt = 0.00005 # Optional. To suppress a warning.
# >>> ag = u.atoms
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # N O T I C E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
[docs]class WatDensity(AnalysisBase):
"""MDAnalysis class calculating z-axis averaged water densities
for slab-water interface model. Outputs number densities for both
hydrogens and water.
AnalysisBase (object): MDAnalysis Analysis class base
Usage example:
(1) Rutile (110)-water interface with <1-11> edge
from toolkit.utils.rutile110 import get_rotM
vecy = np.array([26.34844236, 1.8642182, -2.0615678])
vecz = np.array([0.49339, -0.070221, 9.201458])
rotM = get_rotM(vecy, vecz)
wd = WatDensity(ag, rotM=rotM)
(2) Flat rutile
wd = WatDensity(ag, rotM=None)
def __init__(self, atomgroup, M='Ti', rotM=None, dz_bin=0.1, cutoff=2.8):
r"""Init water density analysis
atomgroup (MDAnalysis.atomgroup):
obtained from MDAnalysis.Universe.atoms
M (str, optional):
Metal element in rutile strucure. Defaults to 'Ti'.
rotM (numpy.ndarray, optional):
3*3 2d rotation matrix. Provide it if Z-axis of the simulation
cell isn't parallel to \hkl(110). Defaults to None.
dz_bin (float, optional):
step size for binning the Z-axis. Defaults to 0.1 angstrom.
cutoff (float, optional):
cutoff distance for calculating coordination number of M-O. Make
sure you could use this value sucessfully select all the water oxygen
index, that is exactly m oxygen. (TiO2)_n (H2O)_m. For TiO2
interface, 2.8 angstrom works well.
Defaults to 2.8 angstrom.
self._ag = atomgroup
self.rotM = rotM
self.M = M
self.dz_bin = dz_bin
self.cutoff = cutoff
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(WatDensity, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "data_output")
self.figdir = os.path.join(".", "figure_output")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
create_path(self.figdir, bk=False)
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions
self.volume = cellpar2volume(self.cellpar) = self._ag.positions
self.idx_M = np.where(self._ag.elements == self.M)[0]
self.idx_O = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.idx_H = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
self.watOidx, self.watHidx = self.get_watOidx()
# Note: there is a trick here
# All ase generated edge 1-11 slab that 4-coordinated Ti of lower surface edge
# has index 1.
# Translate this titanium ion to self._transtarget will yeild slab looking like
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [110]
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ^
**************************000 | o: TiO2 slab
***************************00 | 0: <1-11>-edge
***************************** -----> [001] *: water
# such that the water are centered in the box
self.d_halfslab = ([:, -1][self.idx_M].max() -[:, -1][self.idx_M].min())/2
self._idxanchor = 2
self._transtarget = np.array([0.3, 0.3, -self.d_halfslab])
# ---------------------------- prepare results array ----------------------------
# guess the water film thickness
self.film_thickness = self.get_wat_thickness()
self.z_bins = np.arange(
0, self.film_thickness + self.dz_bin, self.dz_bin)
self.nbins = self.z_bins.shape[0] - 1
self.hist_oxygen = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, self.nbins), dtype=np.float32)
self.hist_hydrogen = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, self.nbins), dtype=np.float32)
def _single_frame(self):
# The calculation
xyz = self.update_pos(self._ag)
hist_o, hist_h = self.get_z_density(self._ag)
# save results
self.hist_oxygen[self._frame_index] = hist_o
self.hist_hydrogen[self._frame_index] = hist_h
def _conclude(self):
# --------------------- save the original data (frame-wise) ---------------------, "hist_oxygen.npy"), self.hist_oxygen), "hist_hydrogen.npy"), self.hist_hydrogen)
# ----------------------- calculate time-averaged density -----------------------
dat_z = self.z_bins[:-1] + self.dz_bin/2
dV = self.volume*(self.film_thickness/self.cellpar[2]) / self.nbins
const = self.number_density2watdensity(dV)
self.hist_oxygen *= const
self.hist_hydrogen *= const
dat_oxygen = np.array([dat_z, self.hist_oxygen.mean(axis=0)]).T
dat_hydrogen = np.array([dat_z, self.hist_hydrogen.mean(axis=0)]).T
np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.datdir, "oxygen.dat"),
dat_oxygen, header="z\tdensity", fmt="%2.6f")
np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.datdir, "hydrogen.dat"),
dat_hydrogen, header="z\tdensity", fmt="%2.6f")
np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.datdir, "hist2rho_scale.dat"), np.array([const]),
header="multiply this constant to histogram density to get number densiity in g/cm^{3} in post-process")
# -------------------------------- plot density ---------------------------------
self.plot_density_z(dat_oxygen, dat_hydrogen)
[docs] def get_watOidx(self):
r"""This methods would select all water oxygen index
tuple: (<water oxygen index>, <all Hydrogen index>). Note, for rutile-\hkl(110)
water interface, all hydrogen comes from water.
xyz =
cn_H = count_cn(xyz[self.idx_O, :],
xyz[self.idx_H, :], 1.2, None, self.cellpar)
cn_M = count_cn(xyz[self.idx_O, :], xyz[self.idx_M,
:], self.cutoff, None, self.cellpar)
watOidx = self.idx_O[(cn_H >= 0) * (cn_M <= 1)]
watHidx = self.idx_H
return watOidx, watHidx
[docs] def get_wat_thickness(self):
trans = self._transtarget -[self._idxanchor]
xyz = apply_PBC(, self.cellpar)
if self.rotM is not None:
xyz = np.matmul(xyz, self.rotM)
thickness = xyz[:, -1][self.watOidx].max() - \
xyz[:, -1][self.watOidx].min()
thickness = np.round(thickness)+2
return thickness
[docs] def update_pos(self, ag):
"""To avoding collective slab drifting during the simulation. Move atom with index 'self._idxanchor'
to the same position each frame. Defaults to 1 (One of the slab atom if you are using ase for modle
trans = self._transtarget - ag.positions[self._idxanchor]
ag.positions += trans
return ag.positions
[docs] def get_z_density(self, ag):
xyz = apply_PBC(ag.positions, box=self.cellpar)
if self.rotM is not None:
z = np.matmul(xyz, self.rotM)[:, -1]
z = xyz[:, -1]
z_watO = z[self.watOidx] - z[self.watOidx].mean()
z_watH = z[self.watHidx] - z[self.watHidx].mean()
zbins = self.z_bins - self.z_bins.mean()
hist_o, _ = np.histogram(z_watO, bins=zbins)
hist_h, _ = np.histogram(z_watH, bins=zbins)
return hist_o, hist_h
[docs] def plot_density_z(self, oxygen, hydrogen):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5), dpi=200)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot(oxygen[:, 0], oxygen[:, 1], color="r", label="O")
ax.plot(hydrogen[:, 0], hydrogen[:, 1], color="b", label="H")
ax.axhline(y=1, color='r', ls='--')
ax.axhline(y=2, color='b', ls='--')
ax.set_xlabel(r"Relative z [$\mathsf{\AA}$]")
ax.set_ylabel(r"Number density [$\mathsf{g\,cm^{-3}}$]")
ax.legend(loc="upper center")
fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.figdir, "density.pdf"), format="PDF")
[docs] @staticmethod
def number_density2watdensity(dV):
"""dV is the bin volume. Will return a constant converting number density to water mass density.
The unit is g cm^{-3}
ag2cm = 1E-8
NA = 6.02214076*1E23
M_wat = 18.02/NA
dV = dV*ag2cm**3
return M_wat/dV
[docs]class RutileDisDeg(AnalysisBase):
"""The new rutile (110)-water interface dissociation degree analysis method
AnalysisBase (MDAnalysis):
Usage examples:
1) Rutile 110 with <1-11> Edge:
from toolkit.structures.rutile110 import Rutile1p11Edge
atoms = read("init.cif")
r110edge = Rutile1p11Edge(atoms, vecy=vecy, vecz=vecz, cutoff=2.9)
owidx, _ = r110edge.get_wat()
ind = r110edge.get_indices()
ind['idx_M5c'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_M5c'][0], axis=1)
cn5idx = ind['idx_M5c'].reshape(2, -1)
edge5idx = ind['idx_edge_M5c'].reshape(2, -1)
edge4idx = ind['idx_edge_M4c'].reshape(2, -1)
disdeg = RutileDisDeg(ag, owidx, cn5idx, nrow=r110edge.nrow,
edge4idx=edge4idx, edge5idx=edge5idx,)
2) Flat model:
atoms = read("init.cif")
r110 = Rutile110(atoms, nrow=nrow, bridge_along=bridge_along)
owidx, _ = r110.get_wat()
cn5idx = r110.get_indices()['idx_M5c']
disdeg = RutileDisDeg(ag, owidx, cn5idx, nrow=r110.nrow)
def __init__(self, atomgroup, owidx, cn5idx, edge4idx=None, edge5idx=None, nrow=2, M='Ti', bins=500, n_oh=2):
r"""Initializing rutile interface dissociation degree analysis
atomgroup (MDAnalysis.Atomgroup):
Just use all the atoms in your universe. universe.atoms
owidx (np.ndarray):
1-d integer array, which contains the indices for water oxygen in your inteface model.
you can use medthod 'get_watOidx' to get this index.
cn5idx (np.ndarray):
2-d integer array, which contains all the indices for terrace Ti_{5c} atoms in your
interface model. This can be obtained using Method 'Rutile1p11Edge' or 'Rutile110'.
edge4idx (np.ndarray, optional):
2-d integer array, which contains all the indices for edge Ti_{4c} atoms in your
interface model. This option is specially tailored for \hkl<1-11> edge model. You don't need
to specify this. Defaults to None.
edge5idx (np.ndarray, optional):
2-d integer array, which contains all the indices for edge Ti_{5c} atoms in your
interface model. This option is specially tailored for \hkl<1-11> edge model. You don't need
to specify this. Defaults to None.
M (str, optional):
Metal element in rutile strucure. Defaults to 'Ti'.
bins (float, optional):
Bin size for output O-H distances histogram ouput. Typical OH distances range from 0.85 to 3.5
angstrom. Defaults to 500 -> typical binsize 0.005 angstrom.
# load inputs
self._ag = atomgroup
self.owidx = owidx
self.cn5idx = cn5idx.flatten()
if edge4idx is not None:
self.edge4idx = edge4idx.flatten()
self.edge5idx = edge5idx.flatten()
self.is_step = True
self.is_step = False
self.nrow = nrow
self.M = M
self.bins = bins
self.n_oh = n_oh
# MDA analysis class routine
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(RutileDisDeg, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "data_output")
self.figdir = os.path.join(".", "figure_output")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
create_path(self.figdir, bk=False)
# the name for output files
self.fn_distOH5s = os.path.join(self.datdir, "distOH-5s.npy")
self.fn_distOH5e = os.path.join(self.datdir, "distOH-5e.npy")
self.fn_distOH4e = os.path.join(self.datdir, "distOH-4e.npy")
self.fn_disdeg = os.path.join(self.datdir, "disdeg.npy")
self.fn_histOadH1 = os.path.join(self.datdir, "histOH1.dat")
self.fn_histOadH2 = os.path.join(self.datdir, "histOH2.dat")
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions = self._ag.positions
self.idx_M = np.where(self._ag.elements == self.M)[0]
self.idx_O = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.idx_H = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
self.bin_edges = np.linspace(0.85, 3.5, self.bins+1)
self.r = self.bin_edges[:-1] + (self.bin_edges[1]-self.bin_edges[0])/2
# -------------------------- prepare temporary arraies --------------------------
self._adO_5s = np.empty(self.cn5idx.shape[0], dtype=int)
self.dm_cn5 = np.empty(
(self.cn5idx.shape[0], self.owidx.shape[0]), dtype=float)
self.dm_O5s = np.empty(
(self.cn5idx.shape[0], self.idx_H.shape[0]), dtype=float)
if self.is_step:
self._adO_5e = np.empty(self.edge5idx.shape[0], dtype=int)
self._adO_4e = np.empty(self.edge4idx.shape[0]*2, dtype=int)
self.dm_edge4 = np.empty(
(self.edge4idx.shape[0], self.owidx.shape[0]), dtype=float)
self.dm_edge5 = np.empty(
(self.edge5idx.shape[0], self.owidx.shape[0]), dtype=float)
self.dm_O5e = np.empty(
(self.edge5idx.shape[0], self.idx_H.shape[0]), dtype=float)
self.dm_O4e = np.empty(
(self.edge4idx.shape[0]*2, self.idx_H.shape[0]), dtype=float)
# ---------------------------- prepare results array ----------------------------
self.dist_5s = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, self.n_oh, self.cn5idx.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
if self.is_step:
self.dist_5e = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, 2, self.edge5idx.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
self.dist_4e = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, 2, self.edge4idx.shape[0]*2), dtype=np.float32)
self._n = self.cn5idx.shape[0] + \
self.edge4idx.shape[0] + self.edge5idx.shape[0]
self._n = self.cn5idx.shape[0]
self.disdeg = np.empty((self.n_frames, 2), dtype=np.float32)
def _single_frame(self):
self.get_neighbor_oxygen(self.cn5idx, self.dm_cn5, self._adO_5s, 1)
self.dist_5s[self._frame_index, ] = self.get_OH_dist(
self._adO_5s, self.dm_O5s).T
if self.is_step:
self.edge5idx, self.dm_edge5, self._adO_5e, 1)
self.edge4idx, self.dm_edge4, self._adO_4e, 2)
# Here we sort self._adO4e such that, for all 8 Ti-4c adsorbed waters, we have
# upper Oad*2, upper Oad-edge*2, lower Oad*2, lower Oad-edge*2.
# This way, we can use numpy reshape and mean method to get the averages of equivalent sites
sort_idx = np.argsort(self._ag.positions[self._adO_4e][:, -1])
upper_tmp = np.flip(
lower_tmp = self._adO_4e[sort_idx][:self.edge4idx.shape[0]]
self._adO_4e = np.array([upper_tmp.reshape(2, -1, order="F"),
lower_tmp.reshape(2, -1, order="F")]).flatten()
# print(self._adO_4e)
self.dist_5e[self._frame_index, ] = self.get_OH_dist(
self._adO_5e, self.dm_O5e).T
self.dist_4e[self._frame_index, ] = self.get_OH_dist(
self._adO_4e, self.dm_O4e).T
def _conclude(self):, self.dist_5s)
if self.is_step:, self.dist_5e), self.dist_4e)
hist1_5s, hist2_5s = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_5s, self.bin_edges, self.nrow)
if self.is_step:
hist1_5e, hist2_5e = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_5e, self.bin_edges, self.nrow)
hist1_4e, hist2_4e = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_4e, self.bin_edges, self.nrow)
header_list = ["d(Oad-H) [A]"] + ["Oad-half"] + [r"Oad #{0}".format(
ii) for ii in range(len(hist1_5s)+1)] + ["Oad-edge"]
hist1 = hist1_5e + hist1_5s + hist1_4e
hist2 = hist2_5e + hist2_5s + hist2_4e
hist1 = hist1_5s
hist2 = hist2_5s
header_list = [
"d(Oad-H) [A]"] + [r"Oad #{0}".format(ii) for ii in range(len(hist1_5s))]
res1 = np.concatenate([[self.r], hist1], axis=0)
res2 = np.concatenate([[self.r], hist2], axis=0)
np.savetxt(self.fn_histOadH1, res1.T, fmt="%10.6f",
np.savetxt(self.fn_histOadH2, res2.T, fmt="%10.6f",
if self.is_step:
cn_5s = self.dist2cn(self.dist_5s)
cn_5e = self.dist2cn(self.dist_5e)
cn_4e = self.dist2cn(self.dist_4e)
cn = np.concatenate([cn_5s, cn_5e, cn_4e], axis=-1)
cn = self.dist2cn(self.dist_5s)
self.disdeg[:] = self.cn2disdeg(cn), self.disdeg)
[docs] def get_neighbor_oxygen(self, idx_ti, res_dm, res_idx, n_ow=1):
"""Give a group of ti atoms, find their neighboring water oxygen within cutoff rasius `self.cutoff`.
Returns water oxygen indices
idx_ti (np.ndarray):
1-d integer array containing indices for Ti5c atoms.
res_dm (np.ndarray):
2-d distance array containing pair-wise distance between Ti and all water oxygen atoms.
This array is prepared in `_prepare`.
n_ow (int, optional):
number of neighboring oxygen for input group of Ti atoms. For example, Ti5c has 1 ad-water;
and edge Ti4c has 2 ad-water. Defaults to 1.
1-d array containing adsorbed water oxygen indices. If these is no water oxygen within the
cutoff raidius, a masking value of '-1' is provided
# group_idx
self._ag.positions[idx_ti], self._ag.positions[self.owidx], result=res_dm, box=self.cellpar)
sort_idx = np.argsort(res_dm, axis=1)
res_idx[:] = self.owidx[sort_idx[:, :n_ow]].flatten()
[docs] def get_OH_dist(self, idx_O, res_dm):
distance_array(self._ag.positions[idx_O], self._ag.positions[self.idx_H],
result=res_dm, box=self.cellpar)
return np.sort(res_dm, axis=1)[:, :self.n_oh]
[docs] @staticmethod
def dist2histo(dist, bin_edges, nrow):
n_frames = dist.shape[0]
dist1 = dist[:, 0].reshape(n_frames, 2, nrow, -1)
dist2 = dist[:, 1].reshape(n_frames, 2, nrow, -1)
nTiTerms = dist1.shape[-1]
dist1, dist2 = dist1.reshape(-1, nTiTerms), dist2.reshape(-1, nTiTerms)
hist1_list = []
hist2_list = []
for ii in range(dist1.shape[-1]):
hist1, _ = np.histogram(dist1[:, ii], bins=bin_edges, density=True)
hist2, _ = np.histogram(dist2[:, ii], bins=bin_edges, density=True)
return hist1_list, hist2_list
[docs] @staticmethod
def dist2cn(dist):
cn = dist[:, 0].astype(np.int8)
cn[:] = -100
cn[dist[:, 1] < 1.2] = 2
cn[dist[:, 0] > 1.2] = 0
cn[(dist[:, 0] < 1.2) & (dist[:, 1] > 1.2)] = 1
return cn
[docs] @staticmethod
def cn2disdeg(cn):
nframes = cn.shape[0]
nsite = cn.shape[-1]//2
cn = cn.reshape(nframes, 2, nsite)
return 1 - np.sum(cn == 2, axis=-1)/nsite
[docs]class staleRutileDisDeg(AnalysisBase):
# stale rutile dissociation degree analysis.
# Feature:
# - use hard cutoff (1.2 A) to determine proton dissociation
# - will save raw data: coordination number surf-water and surf-water oxygen atom indices
r"""MDAnalysis class calculating surface water dissociation degree for rutile \hkl(110)-water interface.
Besides dissociation, this method will also output surface adsorption water oxygen index, which is useful for
TiO2-water interface, because adsorbed water in this system sometimes exchange with sub-interface water.
AnalysisBase (object): MDAnalysis Analysis class base
Usage example:
1. for rutile 110 (water) interface with <1-11> edge
vecy = np.array([26.34844236, 1.8642182, -2.0615678])
vecz = np.array([0.49339, -0.070221, 9.201458])
r110edge = Rutile1p11Edge(atoms, vecy=vecy, vecz=vecz, M="Ti", nrow=2)
ind = r110edge.get_indices()
idx_ow, _ = r110edge.get_wat()
ind['idx_M5c'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_M5c'][0], axis=1)
cn5idx = ind['idx_M5c'].reshape(2, -1)
edge5idx = ind['idx_edge_M5c'].reshape(2, -1)
edge4idx = ind['idx_edge_M4c'].reshape(2, -1)
rdd = RutileDisDeg(ag, idx_ow, cn5idx, edge4idx=edge4idx, edge5idx=edge5idx)
def __init__(self, atomgroup, owidx, cn5idx, edge4idx=None, edge5idx=None, M='Ti', cutoff=2.8):
r"""Initialising a dissociation degree calculating class
atomgroup (MDAnalysis.Atomgroup):
Just use all the atoms in your universe. universe.atoms
owidx (np.ndarray):
1-d integer array, which contains the indices for water oxygen in your inteface model.
you can use medthod 'get_watOidx' to get this index.
cn5idx (np.ndarray):
2-d integer array, which contains all the indices for terrace Ti_{5c} atoms in your
interface model. This can be obtained using Method 'Rutile1p11Edge' or 'Rutile110'.
edge4idx (np.ndarray, optional):
2-d integer array, which contains all the indices for edge Ti_{4c} atoms in your
interface model. This option is specially tailored for \hkl<1-11> edge model. You don't need
to specify this. Defaults to None.
edge5idx (np.ndarray, optional):
2-d integer array, which contains all the indices for edge Ti_{5c} atoms in your
interface model. This option is specially tailored for \hkl<1-11> edge model. You don't need
to specify this. Defaults to None.
M (str, optional):
Metal element in rutile strucure. Defaults to 'Ti'.
cutoff (float, optional):
cutoff distance for calculating coordination number of M-O. For TiO2 \hkl(110)-water interface,
2.8 angstrom works well. This value is used for determining adsorbed water above terrace Ti5c
atoms. Distances between water oxygen and Ti5c lager than `cutoff` will consider as **not**
adsorbed. Defaults to 2.8 angstrom.
# load inputs
self._ag = atomgroup
self.owidx = owidx
self.upper_cn5idx, self.lower_cn5idx = cn5idx
self.n_cn5idx = cn5idx.shape[-1]
if edge4idx is not None:
self.upper_edge4idx, self.lower_edge4idx = edge4idx
self.n_edge4idx = edge4idx.shape[-1]
self.n_edge4idx = 0
if edge5idx is not None:
self.upper_edge5idx, self.lower_edge5idx = edge5idx
self.n_edge5idx = edge5idx.shape[-1]
self.n_edge5idx = 0
self.M = M
self.cutoff = cutoff
# MDA analysis class routine
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(RutileDisDeg, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "data_output")
self.figdir = os.path.join(".", "figure_output")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
create_path(self.figdir, bk=False)
# the name for output files
self.fn_adind_cn5 = os.path.join(self.datdir, "ad_O_indices.npy")
self.fn_adind_edge5 = os.path.join(
self.datdir, "ad_O_indices-edge5.npy")
self.fn_adind_edge4 = os.path.join(
self.datdir, "ad_O_indices-edge4.npy")
self.fn_cn = os.path.join(self.datdir, "SurfaceOxygenCN.npy")
self.fn_disdeg5s = os.path.join(self.datdir, "disdeg-Ti5s.npy")
self.fn_disdeg4e = os.path.join(self.datdir, "disdeg-Ti4e.npy")
self.fn_disdeg5e = os.path.join(self.datdir, "disdeg-Ti5e.npy")
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions = self._ag.positions
self.idx_M = np.where(self._ag.elements == self.M)[0]
self.idx_O = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.idx_H = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
# -------------------------- prepare temporary arraies --------------------------
self.dm_cn5 = np.empty(
(self.n_cn5idx, self.owidx.shape[0]), dtype=float)
self.dm_edge4 = np.empty(
(self.n_edge4idx, self.owidx.shape[0]), dtype=float)
self.dm_edge5 = np.empty(
(self.n_edge5idx, self.owidx.shape[0]), dtype=float)
# ---------------------------- prepare results array ----------------------------
self._n = self.n_cn5idx + self.n_edge4idx*2 + self.n_edge5idx
self.ad_indices = np.empty((self.n_frames, 2, self._n), dtype=int) = np.empty((self.n_frames, 2, self._n), dtype=float)
self.disdeg5s = np.empty((self.n_frames, 2, 4), dtype=float)
self.disdeg4e = np.empty((self.n_frames, 2, 4), dtype=float)
self.disdeg5e = np.empty((self.n_frames, 2, 4), dtype=float)
def _single_frame(self):
# get 'neighbor' (Adsorbed) oxygen indices
# indices being -1 means no adsorbed oxygen atoms
# within a cutoff sphere (self.cutoff)
self.ad_indices[self._frame_index, 0, :self.n_cn5idx] = \
self.get_neighbor_oxygen(self.upper_cn5idx, self.dm_cn5, n_ow=1)
self.ad_indices[self._frame_index, 1, :self.n_cn5idx] = \
self.get_neighbor_oxygen(self.lower_cn5idx, self.dm_cn5, n_ow=1)
if self.n_edge5idx > 0:
self.ad_indices[self._frame_index, 0, self.n_cn5idx:(self.n_cn5idx+self.n_edge5idx)] = \
self.upper_edge5idx, self.dm_edge5, n_ow=1)
self.ad_indices[self._frame_index, 1, self.n_cn5idx:(self.n_cn5idx+self.n_edge5idx)] = \
self.lower_edge5idx, self.dm_edge5, n_ow=1)
if self.n_edge4idx > 0:
self.ad_indices[self._frame_index, 0, (self.n_cn5idx+self.n_edge5idx):] = \
self.upper_edge4idx, self.dm_edge4, n_ow=2)
self.ad_indices[self._frame_index, 1, (self.n_cn5idx+self.n_edge5idx):] = \
self.upper_edge4idx, self.dm_edge4, n_ow=2)
# calculate the coordination numnber for the oxygen
idx_o = self.ad_indices[self._frame_index].flatten()
mask = (idx_o == -1) # mask using -1 indices
cn = count_cn(self._ag.positions[idx_o], self._ag.positions[self.idx_H],
cutoff_hi=1.2, cutoff_lo=None, cell=self.cellpar).astype(float)
cn[mask] = np.nan[self._frame_index] = cn.reshape(2, self._n)
def _conclude(self):
res_cn5_Oind = self.ad_indices[:, :, :self.n_cn5idx], res_cn5_Oind)
if self.n_edge5idx > 0:
res_edge5_Oind = self.ad_indices[:, :, self.n_cn5idx:(
self.n_cn5idx+self.n_edge5idx)], res_edge5_Oind)
if self.n_edge4idx > 0:
res_edge4_Oind = \
self.ad_indices[:, :, (self.n_cn5idx+self.n_edge5idx):].reshape(self.n_frames,
2), res_edge4_Oind)
# save coordination numbers,
# cal disdeg and save
n_effect = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(, axis=-1)
for kk in range(4):
self.disdeg[:, :, kk] = \
np.nansum( == kk, axis=-1)/n_effect, self.disdeg)
return None
[docs] def get_neighbor_oxygen(self, idx_ti, res_dm, n_ow=1):
"""Give a group of ti atoms, find their neighboring water oxygen within cutoff rasius `self.cutoff`.
Returns water oxygen indices
idx_ti (np.ndarray):
1-d integer array containing indices for Ti5c atoms.
res_dm (np.ndarray):
2-d distance array containing pair-wise distance between Ti and all water oxygen atoms.
This array is prepared in `_prepare`.
n_ow (int, optional):
number of neighboring oxygen for input group of Ti atoms. For example, Ti5c has 1 ad-water;
and edge Ti4c has 2 ad-water. Defaults to 1.
1-d array containing adsorbed water oxygen indices. If these is no water oxygen within the
cutoff raidius, a masking value of '-1' is provided
# group_idx
self._ag.positions[idx_ti], self._ag.positions[self.owidx], result=res_dm, box=self.cellpar)
sort_idx = np.argsort(res_dm, axis=1)
res_idx = self.owidx[sort_idx[:, :n_ow]]
mask = (np.take_along_axis(
res_dm, sort_idx[:, :n_ow], axis=1) > self.cutoff)
res_idx[mask] = -1
return res_idx.reshape(-1)
[docs]class dAdBridge(AnalysisBase):
"""MDAnalysis class calculating distances between adsobed water oxygen atoms and two neighboring bridge
oxygen atoms. The oxygen water oxygen adsorb on terrace Ti5c atoms.
AnalysisBase (object): MDAnalysis Analysis class base
Usage example:
1. for flat rutile 110 water interface
atoms = read(os.path.join("init.cif"))
r110 = Rutile110(atoms, nrow=nrow, bridge_along=bridge_along)
idx_owat, _ = r110.get_wat()
ind = edge_water.get_indices()
# split cn5idx and obr_idx to [<upper idx>, <lower idx>]
idx_cn5 = ind['idx_M5c'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_obr = ind['idx_Obr'].reshape(2, -1)
_, upper_obr = pair_M5c_n_obr(atoms, idx_cn5[0], idx_obr[0])
_, lower_obr = pair_M5c_n_obr(atoms, idx_cn5[1], idx_obr[1])
idx_obr = np.array([upper_obr, lower_obr])
dab = dAdBridge(ag, idx_cn5, idx_obr, idx_owat, idx_adO=None)
2. for rutile 110 water interface with edge along <1-11>
atoms = read(os.path.join("init.cif"))
vecy = np.array([26.34844236, 1.8642182, -2.0615678])
vecz = np.array([0.49339, -0.070221, 9.201458])
r110edge = Rutile1p11Edge(atoms, vecy=vecy, vecz=vecz, M="Ti", nrow=2)
ind = r110edge.get_indices()
ind['idx_M5c'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_M5c'][0], axis=1)
idx_cn5 = ind['idx_M5c'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_obr = np.concatenate([ind['idx_Obr'].reshape(2, -1),
ind['idx_hObr_upper'].reshape(2, -1)], axis=1)
_, upper_obr = pair_M5c_n_obr(atoms, idx_cn5[0], idx_obr[0])
_, lower_obr = pair_M5c_n_obr(atoms, idx_cn5[1], idx_obr[1])
idx_obr = np.array([upper_obr, lower_obr])
dab = dAdBridge(ag, cn5idx, idx_obr)
def __init__(self, atomgroup, idx_cn5, idx_obr, idx_owat, idx_adO=None, ref_vec=None, M='Ti', cutoff=2.8):
"""Initialize analysis method 'dAdBridge'
atomgroup (MDAnalysis.Atomgroup):
Just use all the atoms in your universe. universe.atoms
idx_cn5 (np.ndarray):
2-d integer array, with shape (2, n_cn5), which contains the upper and lower indices for
terrace Ti_{5c} atoms in your interface model. This can be obtained using Method 'Rutile1p11Edge'
or 'Rutile110'.
idx_adO (np.ndarray):
3-d integer array, with shape (n_frames, 2, n_cn5), which contains the indices of adsorbed
water oxygen atoms at every MD snapshot. This array is obtained using MDAnalsis analysis
class: RutileDisDeg.
idx_obr (np.ndarray):
3-d integer array, with shape (2, n_cn5, 2), which contains the upper and lower indices for
two rows of bridge oxygen indices corresponding to `idx_cn5`. This can be obtained using Method
ref_vec (np.ndarray, optional):
reference vector v_r. The horizontal distances between adsorption oxygen and pairing bridge oxygen
is obtained by dot product, v(Oad-Obr)).
If `ref_vec` is not provided, the normalized vector of averaged v(Obr1-Obr2) will be used.
Defaults to None.
M (str, optional):
Metal element in rutile strucure. Defaults to 'Ti'.. Defaults to 'Ti'.
# load inputs
self._ag = atomgroup
self.idx_cn5 = idx_cn5.flatten()
self.idx_obr = idx_obr
self.idx_obr1 = np.array(
[idx_obr[0, :, 0], idx_obr[1, :, 0]]).flatten()
self.idx_obr2 = np.array(
[idx_obr[0, :, 1], idx_obr[1, :, 1]]).flatten()
self.idx_owat = idx_owat
self._find_Oad = True
if idx_adO is not None:
self.idx_adO = idx_adO
if len(idx_adO.shape) == 3:
nf = idx_adO.shape[0]
self.idx_adO = idx_adO.reshape(nf, -1)
self._find_Oad = False
if ref_vec is None:
self.ref_vec = None
print("'ref_vec' is not provided. Use auto generated reference vectors.")
self.ref_vec = ref_vec
self.M = M
self.cutoff = cutoff
# MDA analysis class routine
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(dAdBridge, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "data_output")
self.figdir = os.path.join(".", "figure_output")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
create_path(self.figdir, bk=False)
# the file names for output data
self.fn_upperdab = os.path.join(self.datdir, "upper-dab.npy")
self.fn_lowerdab = os.path.join(self.datdir, "lower-dab.npy")
self.fn_adind_cn5 = os.path.join(self.datdir, "ad_O_indices.npy")
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions = self._ag.positions
self.idx_M = np.where(self._ag.elements == self.M)[0]
self.idx_O = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.idx_H = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
if self.ref_vec is None:
ref_upper = self.get_ref(
self.idx_obr[0][:, 0], self.idx_obr[0][:, 1])
ref_lower = self.get_ref(
self.idx_obr[1][:, 0], self.idx_obr[1][:, 1])
self.ref_vec = (ref_upper + ref_lower)/2
# ---------------------------- prepare results array ----------------------------
self.dab = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, 2, self.idx_cn5.shape[-1]), dtype=float)
if self._find_Oad is True:
self.dm_cn5 = np.empty(
(self.idx_cn5.shape[-1], self.idx_owat.shape[0]), dtype=float)
self.idx_adO = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, self.idx_cn5.shape[-1]), dtype=int)
def _single_frame(self):
if self._find_Oad:
self.idx_adO[self._frame_index] = self.get_neighbor_oxygen(
self.idx_cn5, self.dm_cn5)
v1, v2 = self.get_dab(self.idx_adO[self._frame_index, :],
self.idx_obr1, self.idx_obr2)
self.dab[self._frame_index, :, ] = np.array([v1, v2])
def _conclude(self):
self.dab = self.dab.reshape(
self.n_frames, 2, 2, self.idx_cn5.shape[-1]//2)
self.dab = np.concatenate([self.dab[:, 0].reshape(self.n_frames, 2, 1, self.idx_cn5.shape[-1]//2),
self.dab[:, 1].reshape(self.n_frames, 2, 1, self.idx_cn5.shape[-1]//2)],
self.dab = np.abs(self.dab)
self.idx_adO = self.idx_adO.reshape(
self.n_frames, 2, self.idx_cn5.shape[-1]//2), self.dab[:, 0, :, :]), self.dab[:, 1, :, :]), self.idx_adO)
[docs] def get_ref(self, idx1, idx2):
"""use minimum image vector between two rows of obr as reference vectors"""
xyz = self._ag.positions
v_mic = minimize_vectors(xyz[idx1] - xyz[idx2], box=self.cellpar)
return np.mean(v_mic/np.linalg.norm(v_mic, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)
[docs] def get_dab(self, idx_adO, idx_obr1, idx_obr2):
"""get distances between Adsorption water oxygen and Bridge oxygen, aka, dAB.
idx_adO (np.ndarray):
indices of ad water oxygen atoms. Use -1 as masking marker, meaning didn't found Obr
whthin cutoff. (see analysis class `RutileDisDeg`)
idx_obr1 (np.ndarray):
indices of row#1 of bridge oxygen atoms.
idx_obr2 (np.ndarray):
indices of row#2 of bridge oxygen atoms.
tuple (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
(<result distances: Oad-Obr#1>, <result distances: Oad-Obr#2>)
# Remember that idx_adO being -1 just means this Oad is not found
# within a cutoff sphere. Therefore, first prepare mask, then
# substituting the masked value with 'np.nan'
mask = (idx_adO == -1)
xyz = self._ag.positions
micv1 = minimize_vectors(
xyz[idx_adO] - xyz[idx_obr1], box=self.cellpar)
micv2 = minimize_vectors(
xyz[idx_adO] - xyz[idx_obr2], box=self.cellpar)
res1 = np.matmul(micv1, self.ref_vec)
res2 = np.matmul(micv2, self.ref_vec)
res1[mask] = np.nan
res2[mask] = np.nan
return res1, res2
[docs] def get_neighbor_oxygen(self, idx_ti, res_dm, n_ow=1):
"""Give a group of ti atoms, find their neighboring water oxygen within cutoff rasius `self.cutoff`.
Returns water oxygen indices
idx_ti (np.ndarray):
1-d integer array containing indices for Ti5c atoms.
res_dm (np.ndarray):
2-d distance array containing pair-wise distance between Ti and all water oxygen atoms.
This array is prepared in `_prepare`.
n_ow (int, optional):
number of neighboring oxygen for input group of Ti atoms. For example, Ti5c has 1 ad-water;
and edge Ti4c has 2 ad-water. Defaults to 1.
1-d array containing adsorbed water oxygen indices. If these is no water oxygen within the
cutoff raidius, a masking value of '-1' is provided
# group_idx
self._ag.positions[idx_ti], self._ag.positions[self.idx_owat], result=res_dm, box=self.cellpar)
sort_idx = np.argsort(res_dm, axis=1)
res_idx = self.idx_owat[sort_idx[:, :n_ow]]
mask = (np.take_along_axis(
res_dm, sort_idx[:, :n_ow], axis=1) > self.cutoff)
res_idx[mask] = -1
return res_idx.reshape(-1)
[docs]class dInterLayer(AnalysisBase):
"""MDAnalysis class for interlayer distances calculation. Note that this utility is only good
for flat TiO2 (110)-water interface
Notice: Because the rotation matrix 'get_rotM' method is not very robust, this interlayer distances
method is only for flat rutile 110 water interface currently.
Usage example:
1. for flat rutile 110 water interface:
atoms = read(os.path.join("init.cif"))
r110 = Rutile110(atoms, nrow=nrow, bridge_along=bridge_along)
n_ti5c = r110.get_indices()['idx_M5c'].flatten().shape[0]//2
dil = dInterLayer(ag, n_ti5c)
def __init__(self, atomgroup, n_ti5c, dz=0.005):
""" Initializing interlayer distances calculation
atomgroup (MDAnalysis.Atomgroup):
Just use all the atoms in your universe. universe.atoms
n_ti5c (int):
Number of Ti5c's, which is also half of Ti numbers per layer
dz (float, optional):
Bin size for inter-layer distances histogram. Defaults to 0.005 angstrom.
self._ag = atomgroup
self.idx_Ti = np.where(self._ag.elements == "Ti")[0]
self.n_ti = 2*n_ti5c
n = self.idx_Ti.shape[0] // self.n_ti
z_ti = self._ag.positions[self.idx_Ti][:, -1]
args = np.argsort(z_ti)
idx_Ti_layered = self.idx_Ti[args].reshape(n, self.n_ti)
self.idx_Ti_layered = idx_Ti_layered
self.n = idx_Ti_layered.shape[0]
self.n_ti = idx_Ti_layered.shape[1] = dz
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(dInterLayer, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "data_output")
self.figdir = os.path.join(".", "figure_output")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
create_path(self.figdir, bk=False)
self.fn_z = os.path.join(self.datdir, "ti_z_mean.npy")
self.fn_histo = os.path.join(self.datdir, "ti_z_mean_histo.dat")
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions = self._ag.positions
self.idx_O = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.idx_H = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
self._idxanchor = 2
self._transtarget = np.array([1, 1, 3.5])
xyz = self.update_pos(, self._transtarget, self._idxanchor)
xyz = apply_PBC(xyz, box=self.cellpar)
_, self.z_min, self.z_max = self.get_n_trilayers(xyz, self.idx_Ti)
self.bin_edges = np.arange(self.z_min-1,,
# ---------------------------- prepare results array ----------------------------
self.z_mean = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, self.idx_Ti_layered.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
def _single_frame(self):
# update positions
xyz = self.update_pos(self._ag.positions,
self._transtarget, self._idxanchor)
xyz = apply_PBC(xyz, box=self.cellpar)
self.z_mean[self._frame_index, :] = xyz[:, -
def _conclude(self):, self.z_mean)
self.z = self.bin_edges[1:] -
hist = self.get_z_histo(self.z_mean.flatten(), self.bin_edges)
res = np.array([self.z, hist]).T
np.savetxt(self.fn_histo, res, fmt="%10.6f",
header="Z [A]\t\thistogram")
[docs] @staticmethod
def update_pos(xyz, anchor_pos, anchor_idx):
"""To avoding collective slab drifting during the simulation. Move atom with index 'self._idxanchor'
to the same position each frame. Defaults to 1 (One of the slab atom if you are using ase for modle
trans = anchor_pos - xyz[anchor_idx]
xyz += trans
return xyz
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_n_trilayers(xyz, idx_Ti):
EXP_D = 3.3
z_min = xyz[idx_Ti][:, -1].min()
z_max = xyz[idx_Ti][:, -1].max()
n = round((z_max - z_min)/EXP_D) + 1
return n, z_min, z_max
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_z_histo(zmean, bin_edges):
hist, _ = np.histogram(zmean.flatten(), bins=bin_edges, density=True)
return hist
[docs]class SurfTiOBondLenght(AnalysisBase):
"""This class calculates the surface TiO bond length.
AnalysisBase (MDA): MDAnalysis AnalysisBase
Usage example:
1. for flat rutile 110 water interface:
atoms = read(os.path.join("init.cif"))
r110 = Rutile110(atoms, nrow=nrow, bridge_along=bridge_along)
idx_owat, _ = r110.get_wat()
ind = inp.r110.get_indices()
ind['idx_M5c'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_M5c'][0], axis=1)
ind['idx_Obr'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_M5c'][0], axis=1)
idx_cn5 = ind['idx_M5c'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_obr = ind['idx_Obr'].reshape(2, -1)
sbl = SurfTiOBondLenght(ag, idx_cn5, idx_obr, idx_owat)
def __init__(self, atomgroup, idx_cn5, idx_obr, idx_ow, M='Ti'):
"""Initializing surface bond calculation method
atomgroup (MDAnalysis.Atomgroup):
Just use all the atoms in your universe. universe.atoms
idx_cn5 (numpy.ndarray):
Index array for 5-coordinated Surface Ti. The index array should be sorted st. [<upper surface indices>,
<lower surface indices>]
idx_obr (numpy.ndarray):
Index array for Surface bridge O atoms. The index array should be sorted st. [<upper surface indices>,
<lower surface indices>]
idx_ow (numpy.ndarray):
1-d index array for water indices.
M (str, optional):
Metal element in rutile strucure. Defaults to 'Ti'.. Defaults to 'Ti'.
# load inputs
self._ag = atomgroup
self.idx_cn5 = idx_cn5.flatten()
self.idx_obr = idx_obr.flatten()
self.idx_ow = idx_ow
self.M = M
# MDA analysis class routine
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(SurfTiOBondLenght, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "data_output")
self.figdir = os.path.join(".", "figure_output")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
create_path(self.figdir, bk=False)
# the name for output files
self.fn_dist_tioad = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_TiOad.npy")
self.fn_dist_tiobr = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_TiObr.npy")
self.fn_indices = os.path.join(self.datdir, "indices.dat")
# header for output indices
self.ind_header = "\t\t".join(["Ti5s", "Obr", "Tibr1", "Tibr2"])
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions = self._ag.positions
self.idx_M = np.where(self._ag.elements == self.M)[0]
self.idx_O = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.idx_H = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
self._idx_obr, self._idx_ti = self.pair_TiObr(, self.idx_obr, self.idx_M, self.cellpar)
self.indices = np.concatenate(
[[self.idx_cn5], [self.idx_obr], self._idx_ti.reshape(2, -1)], axis=0)
# -------------------------- prepare temporary arraies --------------------------
self.dM_TiOad = np.empty(
(self.idx_cn5.shape[0], self.idx_ow.shape[0]), dtype=float)
self.bl_TiObr = np.empty((self._idx_obr.shape[0]), dtype=float)
# ---------------------------- prepare results array ----------------------------
self._n = self.idx_cn5.shape[0]
self.dTiOad = np.empty((self.n_frames, self._n), dtype=float)
self.dTiObr = np.empty((self.n_frames, self._n*2), dtype=float)
def _single_frame(self):
self.dTiOad[self._frame_index, :] = self.get_dTiOad()
self.dTiObr[self._frame_index, :] = self.get_dTiObr()
def _conclude(self):
self.dTiOad = self.dTiOad.reshape(self.n_frames, 2, -1)
self.dTiObr = self.dTiObr.reshape(self.n_frames, 2, -1), self.dTiOad), self.dTiObr)
np.savetxt(self.fn_indices, self.indices.T,
fmt="%8d", header=self.ind_header)
[docs] def get_dTiOad(self):
box=self.cellpar, result=self.dM_TiOad)
return np.min(self.dM_TiOad, axis=1)
[docs] def get_dTiObr(self):
box=self.cellpar, result=self.bl_TiObr)
return self.bl_TiObr.copy()
[docs] @staticmethod
def pair_TiObr(xyz, idx_obr, idx_ti, box):
xyz1 = xyz[idx_obr]
xyz2 = xyz[idx_ti]
dm = distance_array(xyz1, xyz2, box=box)
sort = np.argsort(dm, axis=1)[:, :2]
res_obr = np.append(idx_obr, idx_obr)
res_ti = idx_ti[sort].T.flatten()
return res_obr, res_ti
[docs]class dObr_NearestH(AnalysisBase):
"""Distance between Obr and it's nearest proton.
AnalysisBase (MDAnalysis): MDAnalysis analysis base
Usage example:
(1) (110)-water interface with <1-11> edge
from toolkit.structures.rutile110 import Rutile1p11Edge
atoms = read("init.cif")
r110edge = Rutile1p11Edge(atoms, vecy=vecy, vecz=vecz, cutoff=2.9)
idx_owat, _ = r110edge.get_wat()
ind = r110edge.get_indices()
ind['idx_Obr'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_Obr'][0], axis=1)
idx_obr = ind['idx_Obr'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_hobr1 = ind['idx_hObr_mid'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_hobr2 = ind['idx_hObr_upper'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_eobr = ind['idx_edge_O2'].reshape(2, -1)
doh = dObr_NearestH(ag, idx_obr, nrow=r110edge.nrow, idx_hobr1=idx_hobr1,
idx_hobr2=idx_hobr2, idx_eobr=idx_eobr)
(2) Flat (110)-water interface
from toolkit.structures.rutile110 import Rutile110
atoms = read("init.cif")
r110 = Rutile110(atoms, nrow=nrow, bridge_along=bridge_along)
idx_owat, _ = r110.get_wat()
ind = inp.r110.get_indices()
ind['idx_Obr'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_Obr'][0], axis=1)
idx_obr = ind['idx_Obr'].reshape(2, -1)
doh = dObr_NearestH(ag, idx_obr, nrow=r110.nrow, idx_hobr1=None, idx_hobr2=None, idx_eobr=None)
def __init__(self, atomgroup, idx_obr, nrow=2, idx_hobr1=None, idx_hobr2=None, idx_eobr=None, M='Ti', bins=500):
"""Initializing analysis method
atomgroup (MDAnalysis.Atomgroup):
Just use all the atoms in your universe. universe.atoms
idx_obr (numpy.ndarray):
Index array for Surface bridge O atoms. The index array should be sorted st. [<upper surface indices>,
<lower surface indices>]
idx_hobr1 (numpy.ndarray, optional):
Use this for <1-11> edge. Index array for surface half-Obr atoms. Defaults to None.
idx_hobr2 (numpy.ndarray, optional):
Use this for <1-11> edge. Index array for the last Obr, or the other half-Obr. Defaults to None.
idx_eobr (numpy.ndarray, optional):
Use this for <1-11> edge. Index array for Obr-edge, 2-coordinated O between Ti-edge4 and Ti-edge5. Defaults to None.
M (str, optional):
Metal element in rutile strucure. Defaults to 'Ti'.
bins (float, optional):
Bin size for output O-H distances histogram ouput. Typical OH distances range from 0.85 to 3.5
angstrom. Defaults to 500 -> typical binsize 0.005 angstrom.
self._ag = atomgroup
self.M = M
self.bins = bins
self.nrow = nrow
# initializing plane_idx_array
self.idx_obr = idx_obr.flatten()
self.is_flat = True
if idx_hobr1 is not None:
self.is_flat = False
self.idx_hobr1 = idx_hobr1.flatten()
self.idx_hobr2 = idx_hobr2.flatten()
self.idx_eobr = idx_eobr.flatten()
self.idx_total_obr = np.concatenate([self.idx_obr,
self.idx_eobr], axis=-1)
self.idx_total_obr = self.idx_obr
# MDA analysis class routine
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(dObr_NearestH, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "data_output")
self.figdir = os.path.join(".", "figure_output")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
create_path(self.figdir, bk=False)
# the file names for output data
self.fn_obr_h = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_Obr-H.npy")
self.fn_histObrH = os.path.join(self.datdir, "histObrH.dat")
if not self.is_flat:
self.fn_hobr1_h = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_hObr1-H.npy")
self.fn_hobr2_h = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_hObr2-H.npy")
self.fn_eobr_h = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_eObr-H.npy")
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions = self._ag.positions
self.idx_M = np.where(self._ag.elements == self.M)[0]
self.idx_O = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.idx_H = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
self.bin_edges = np.linspace(0.85, 3.5, self.bins+1)
self.r = self.bin_edges[:-1] + (self.bin_edges[1]-self.bin_edges[0])/2
self.n_obr = self.idx_obr.shape[-1]
if not self.is_flat:
self.n_hobr1 = self.idx_hobr1.shape[-1]
self.n_hobr2 = self.idx_hobr2.shape[-1]
self.n_eobr = self.idx_eobr.shape[-1]
self.n_total_obr = self.n_obr + self.n_hobr1 + self.n_hobr2 + self.n_eobr
self.n_total_obr = self.n_obr
# -------------------------- prepare temporary arraies --------------------------
self._dmatrix = np.empty(
(self.n_total_obr, self.idx_H.shape[0]), dtype=float)
# ---------------------------- prepare results array ----------------------------
self.distances = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, self.n_total_obr), dtype=float)
def _single_frame(self):
:] = self.get_min_OH(self.idx_total_obr)
def _conclude(self):
self.distances = self.distances.reshape(self.n_frames, 2,
self.dist_obr_h = self.distances[:, :, :self.n_obr//2]
hist_obr = self.dist2histo(self.dist_obr_h, self.bin_edges, self.nrow), self.dist_obr_h)
if not self.is_flat:
self.dist_hobr1_h = self.distances[:, :,
hist_obr_n1 = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_hobr1_h, self.bin_edges, self.nrow)
self.dist_hobr2_h = self.distances[:, :, (self.n_obr+self.n_hobr1)//2:(
hist_hobr = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_hobr2_h, self.bin_edges, self.nrow)
self.dist_eobr_h = self.distances[:, :,
hist_e2 = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_eobr_h, self.bin_edges, self.nrow), self.dist_hobr1_h), self.dist_hobr2_h), self.dist_eobr_h)
hist_list = hist_hobr + hist_obr + hist_obr_n1 + hist_e2
header = "\t".join(['bin edges [A]'] + [r"O_br-half"] +
[r"O_br#%d" % (ii) for ii in range(self.n_obr//self.nrow//2)] +
[r"O_br#%d" % (self.n_obr//self.nrow//2)] +
header = "\t".join(['bin edges [A]'] + [r"O_br#%d" % (ii)
for ii in range(self.n_obr//self.nrow//2)])
hist_list = hist_obr
hist_dat = np.concatenate([[self.r], hist_list], axis=0)
np.savetxt(self.fn_histObrH, hist_dat.T, fmt="%10.6f", header=header)
[docs] def get_min_OH(self, obr_indices):
xyz = self._ag.positions
obr_pos = xyz[obr_indices, :]
h_pos = xyz[self.idx_H, :]
distance_array(obr_pos, h_pos, box=self.cellpar, result=self._dmatrix)
d_oh_min = self._dmatrix.min(axis=1)
# sel_h_idx = self.idx_H[np.argmin(self._dmatrix, axis=1)]
# return d_oh_min, sel_h_idx
return d_oh_min
[docs] @staticmethod
def dist2histo(dist, bin_edges, nrow):
n_frames = dist.shape[0]
dist = dist.reshape(n_frames, 2, nrow, -1)
nO2Terms = dist.shape[-1]
dist = dist.reshape(-1, nO2Terms)
hist_list = []
for ii in range(dist.shape[-1]):
hist, _ = np.histogram(dist[:, ii], bins=bin_edges, density=True)
return hist_list
[docs]class dObr_NearH(AnalysisBase):
"""Distance between Obr and it's near n_oh proton.
AnalysisBase (MDAnalysis): MDAnalysis analysis base
Usage example:
(1) (110)-water interface with <1-11> edge
from toolkit.structures.rutile110 import Rutile1p11Edge
atoms = read("init.cif")
r110edge = Rutile1p11Edge(atoms, vecy=vecy, vecz=vecz, cutoff=2.9)
idx_owat, _ = r110edge.get_wat()
ind = r110edge.get_indices()
ind['idx_Obr'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_Obr'][0], axis=1)
idx_obr = ind['idx_Obr'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_hobr1 = ind['idx_hObr_mid'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_hobr2 = ind['idx_hObr_upper'].reshape(2, -1)
idx_eobr = ind['idx_edge_O2'].reshape(2, -1)
doh = dObr_NearestH(ag, idx_obr, nrow=r110edge.nrow, idx_hobr1=idx_hobr1,
idx_hobr2=idx_hobr2, idx_eobr=idx_eobr)
(2) Flat (110)-water interface
from toolkit.structures.rutile110 import Rutile110
atoms = read("init.cif")
r110 = Rutile110(atoms, nrow=nrow, bridge_along=bridge_along)
idx_owat, _ = r110.get_wat()
ind = inp.r110.get_indices()
ind['idx_Obr'][0] = np.flip(ind['idx_Obr'][0], axis=1)
idx_obr = ind['idx_Obr'].reshape(2, -1)
doh = dObr_NearestH(ag, idx_obr, nrow=r110.nrow, idx_hobr1=None, idx_hobr2=None, idx_eobr=None)
def __init__(self, atomgroup, idx_obr, nrow=2, idx_hobr1=None, idx_hobr2=None, idx_eobr=None, M='Ti', bins=500, n_oh=5):
"""Initializing analysis method
atomgroup (MDAnalysis.Atomgroup):
Just use all the atoms in your universe. universe.atoms
idx_obr (numpy.ndarray):
Index array for Surface bridge O atoms. The index array should be sorted st. [<upper surface indices>,
<lower surface indices>]
idx_hobr1 (numpy.ndarray, optional):
Use this for <1-11> edge. Index array for surface half-Obr atoms. Defaults to None.
idx_hobr2 (numpy.ndarray, optional):
Use this for <1-11> edge. Index array for the last Obr, or the other half-Obr. Defaults to None.
idx_eobr (numpy.ndarray, optional):
Use this for <1-11> edge. Index array for Obr-edge, 2-coordinated O between Ti-edge4 and Ti-edge5. Defaults to None.
M (str, optional):
Metal element in rutile strucure. Defaults to 'Ti'.
bins (float, optional):
Bin size for output O-H distances histogram ouput. Typical OH distances range from 0.85 to 3.5
angstrom. Defaults to 500 -> typical binsize 0.005 angstrom.
self._ag = atomgroup
self.M = M
self.bins = bins
self.nrow = nrow
self.n_oh = n_oh
# initializing plane_idx_array
self.idx_obr = idx_obr.flatten()
self.is_flat = True
if idx_hobr1 is not None:
self.is_flat = False
self.idx_hobr1 = idx_hobr1.flatten()
self.idx_hobr2 = idx_hobr2.flatten()
self.idx_eobr = idx_eobr.flatten()
self.idx_total_obr = np.concatenate([self.idx_obr,
self.idx_eobr], axis=-1)
self.idx_total_obr = self.idx_obr
# MDA analysis class routine
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(dObr_NearH, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "data_output")
self.figdir = os.path.join(".", "figure_output")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
create_path(self.figdir, bk=False)
# the file names for output data
self.fn_obr_h = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_Obr-H.npy")
self.fn_histObrH = os.path.join(self.datdir, "histObrH.dat")
if not self.is_flat:
self.fn_hobr1_h = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_hObr1-H.npy")
self.fn_hobr2_h = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_hObr2-H.npy")
self.fn_eobr_h = os.path.join(self.datdir, "d_eObr-H.npy")
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions = self._ag.positions
self.idx_M = np.where(self._ag.elements == self.M)[0]
self.idx_O = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.idx_H = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
self.bin_edges = np.linspace(0.85, 3.5, self.bins+1)
self.r = self.bin_edges[:-1] + (self.bin_edges[1]-self.bin_edges[0])/2
self.n_obr = self.idx_obr.shape[-1]
if not self.is_flat:
self.n_hobr1 = self.idx_hobr1.shape[-1]
self.n_hobr2 = self.idx_hobr2.shape[-1]
self.n_eobr = self.idx_eobr.shape[-1]
self.n_total_obr = self.n_obr + self.n_hobr1 + self.n_hobr2 + self.n_eobr
self.n_total_obr = self.n_obr
# -------------------------- prepare temporary arraies --------------------------
self._dmatrix = np.empty(
(self.n_total_obr, self.idx_H.shape[0]), dtype=float)
# ---------------------------- prepare results array ----------------------------
self.distances = np.empty(
(self.n_frames, self.n_total_obr, self.n_oh), dtype=float)
def _single_frame(self):
:] = self.get_OH_dist(self.idx_total_obr)
def _conclude(self):
self.distances = self.distances.reshape(self.n_frames, 2,
self.n_total_obr//2, self.n_oh)
self.dist_obr_h = self.distances[:, :, :self.n_obr//2, :]
hist_obr = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_obr_h[:, :, :, 0], self.bin_edges, self.nrow), self.dist_obr_h)
if not self.is_flat:
self.dist_hobr1_h = self.distances[:, :,
self.n_obr//2:(self.n_obr+self.n_hobr1)//2, 0]
hist_obr_n1 = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_hobr1_h, self.bin_edges, self.nrow)
self.dist_hobr2_h = self.distances[:, :, (self.n_obr+self.n_hobr1)//2:(
self.n_obr+self.n_hobr1+self.n_hobr2)//2, 0]
hist_hobr = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_hobr2_h, self.bin_edges, self.nrow)
self.dist_eobr_h = self.distances[:, :,
(self.n_obr+self.n_hobr1+self.n_hobr2)//2:, 0]
hist_e2 = self.dist2histo(
self.dist_eobr_h, self.bin_edges, self.nrow), self.dist_hobr1_h), self.dist_hobr2_h), self.dist_eobr_h)
hist_list = hist_hobr + hist_obr + hist_obr_n1 + hist_e2
header = "\t".join(['bin edges [A]'] + [r"O_br-half"] +
[r"O_br#%d" % (ii) for ii in range(self.n_obr//self.nrow//2)] +
[r"O_br#%d" % (self.n_obr//self.nrow//2)] +
header = "\t".join(['bin edges [A]'] + [r"O_br#%d" % (ii)
for ii in range(self.n_obr//self.nrow//2)])
hist_list = hist_obr
hist_dat = np.concatenate([[self.r], hist_list], axis=0)
np.savetxt(self.fn_histObrH, hist_dat.T, fmt="%10.6f", header=header)
[docs] def get_OH_dist(self, obr_indices):
xyz = self._ag.positions
obr_pos = xyz[obr_indices, :]
h_pos = xyz[self.idx_H, :]
distance_array(obr_pos, h_pos, result=self._dmatrix, box=self.cellpar)
return np.sort(self._dmatrix, axis=1)[:, :self.n_oh]
[docs] @staticmethod
def dist2histo(dist, bin_edges, nrow):
n_frames = dist.shape[0]
dist = dist.reshape(n_frames, 2, nrow, -1)
nO2Terms = dist.shape[-1]
dist = dist.reshape(-1, nO2Terms)
hist_list = []
for ii in range(dist.shape[-1]):
hist, _ = np.histogram(dist[:, ii], bins=bin_edges, density=True)
return hist_list
[docs]class FindSurfaceOadH(AnalysisBase):
Not applicable to Edge models
Usage Examples:
1) Flat model:
atoms = read("init.cif")
r110 = Rutile110(atoms, nrow=nrow, bridge_along=bridge_along)
Ow_idx, _ = r110.get_wat()
Ti5c_idx = r110.indices["idx_M5c"].flatten()
findOH = FindSurfaceOadH(ag, owidx, cn5idx, nrow=r110.nrow)
AnalysisBase (_type_): _description
def __init__(self, atomgroup, Ow_idx, M5c_idx, M='Ti'):
self._ag = atomgroup
self.M = M
self.Ow_idx = Ow_idx
self.M5c_idx = M5c_idx
# MDA analysis class routine
trajectory = atomgroup.universe.trajectory
super(FindSurfaceOadH, self).__init__(trajectory)
# make/backup data directories
self.datdir = os.path.join(".", "SurfaceOadH")
create_path(self.datdir, bk=False)
# the file names for output data
self.fn_all_info = os.path.join(self.datdir, "surf_TiOH_cprs.npz")
def _prepare(self):
# ------------------------ initialize usefule constants -------------------------
self.cellpar = self._ag.dimensions = self._ag.positions
self.M_idx = np.where(self._ag.elements == self.M)[0]
self.O_idx = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'O')[0]
self.H_idx = np.where(self._ag.elements == 'H')[0]
self.num_M5c = len(self.M5c_idx)
# -------------------------- prepare result arrays --------------------------
self.all_Oad_H_idx = np.full((self.n_frames, self.num_M5c), -1)
self.all_M5c_OadH_idx = np.full((self.n_frames, self.num_M5c), -1)
self.all_Had_idx = np.full((self.n_frames, self.num_M5c), -1)
self.all_bond_O_H = np.full((self.n_frames, self.num_M5c), np.nan)
self.all_angle_M_O_H = np.full((self.n_frames, self.num_M5c), np.nan)
def _single_frame(self):
Oad_idx = self._get_Oad_idx()
Oad_idx = Oad_idx.flatten()
Oad_cn = self._get_Oad_H_cn(Oad_idx)
Oad_H_idx = Oad_idx[Oad_cn == 1]
M5c_OadH_idx = self.M5c_idx[Oad_cn == 1]
Had_idx = self._get_Had_idx(Oad_H_idx)
num_surf_spec = len(Oad_H_idx)
bond_O_H = self._get_Oad_Had_dist(Oad_H_idx, Had_idx)
angle_M_O_H = self._get_Ti5c_Oad_Had_angle(
M5c_OadH_idx, Oad_H_idx, Had_idx)
self.all_Oad_H_idx[self._frame_index, :num_surf_spec] = Oad_H_idx
self.all_M5c_OadH_idx[self._frame_index, :num_surf_spec] = M5c_OadH_idx
self.all_Had_idx[self._frame_index, :num_surf_spec] = Had_idx
self.all_bond_O_H[self._frame_index, :num_surf_spec] = bond_O_H
self.all_angle_M_O_H[self._frame_index, :num_surf_spec] = angle_M_O_H
def _conclude(self):
# save into a compress zip npy
def _get_Oad_idx(self, n_ow=1):
pos = self._ag.positions
M5c_idx = self.M5c_idx
Ow_idx = self.Ow_idx
cellpar = self.cellpar
M5c_Ow_darray = distance_array(pos[M5c_idx], pos[Ow_idx], box=cellpar)
sort_idx = np.argsort(M5c_Ow_darray, axis=1)
Oad_idx = Ow_idx[sort_idx[:, :n_ow]]
return Oad_idx
def _get_Oad_H_cn(self, Oad_idx):
pos = self._ag.positions
Oad_cn = count_cn(pos[Oad_idx], pos[self.H_idx],
1.2, None, cell=self.cellpar)
return Oad_cn
def _get_Had_idx(self, Oad_H_idx):
pos = self._ag.positions
# Had is H atom in OadH
OadH_H_darray = distance_array(
pos[Oad_H_idx], pos[self.H_idx], box=self.cellpar)
sort_idx = np.argsort(OadH_H_darray, axis=1)
Had_idx = self.H_idx[sort_idx[:, :1]]
return Had_idx.flatten()
def _get_Oad_Had_dist(self, Oad_H_idx, Had_idx):
pos = self._ag.positions
dist = calc_bonds(pos[Oad_H_idx], pos[Had_idx], box=self.cellpar)
return dist
def _get_Ti5c_Oad_Had_angle(self, M5c_idx, Oad_H_idx, Had_idx):
pos = self._ag.positions
angle = calc_angles(pos[M5c_idx], pos[Oad_H_idx],
pos[Had_idx], box=self.cellpar)
return angle