Source code for ectoolkits.analysis.water

Water analysis

from typing import Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import constants
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisBase
from MDAnalysis import Universe
from MDAnalysis import transformations as trans
from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import minimize_vectors, capped_distance

from ase.cell import Cell

from ectoolkits.log import get_logger
from ectoolkits.utils.utils import mic_1d

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def density(n, v, mol_mass: float): """ Calculate density in g/cm³ from the number of particles. Parameters ---------- n : int or array-like Number of particles. v : float or array-like Volume in ų. mol_mass : float Molar mass in g/mol. Returns ------- float or array-like Density in g/cm³. """ rho = (n / constants.Avogadro * mol_mass) / ( v * (constants.angstrom / constants.centi) ** 3 ) return rho
[docs]def water_density(n, v): """ Calculate the density of water in g/cm³. Parameters ---------- n : int or array-like Number of water molecules. v : float or array-like Volume in ų. Returns ------- float or array-like Density in g/cm³. """ return density(n, v, 18.015)
[docs]def bin_edges_to_grid(bin_edges: np.ndarray): """ Convert bin edges to grid points at bin centers. Parameters ---------- bin_edges : np.ndarray Array of bin edges. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of grid points at bin centers. """ return bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2
[docs]def identify_water_molecules( h_positions: np.ndarray, o_positions: np.ndarray, cell: Cell, oh_cutoff: float, ) -> Dict[int, List[int]]: """ Identify water molecules based on proximity of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Parameters ---------- h_positions : np.ndarray Positions of hydrogen atoms. o_positions : np.ndarray Positions of oxygen atoms. cell : ase.cell.Cell Simulation cell object defining periodic boundaries. oh_cutoff : float Maximum O-H distance to consider as a bond. Returns ------- Dict[int, List[int]] Dictionary mapping oxygen atom indices to lists of two bonded hydrogen atom indices. """ water_dict = {i: [] for i in range(o_positions.shape[0])} for h_idx, hpos in enumerate(h_positions): pairs, distances = capped_distance( hpos, o_positions, max_cutoff=oh_cutoff, box=cell.cellpar(), return_distances=True, ) if len(pairs) > 0: closest_o_idx = pairs[np.argmin(distances)][1] water_dict[closest_o_idx].append(h_idx) water_dict = {key: value for key, value in water_dict.items() if len(value) == 2} return water_dict
[docs]def get_dipoles( h_positions: np.ndarray, o_positions: np.ndarray, water_dict: Dict[int, List[int]], cell: Cell, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate dipole moments for water molecules. Parameters ---------- h_positions : np.ndarray Positions of hydrogen atoms. o_positions : np.ndarray Positions of oxygen atoms. water_dict : Dict[int, List[int]] Dictionary mapping oxygen atom indices to two bonded hydrogen atom indices. cell : ase.cell.Cell Simulation cell object defining periodic boundaries. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of dipole vectors for each oxygen atom. Entries are NaN for non-water oxygen atoms. """ o_indices = np.array([key for key, _ in water_dict.items()]) h_indices = np.array([value for _, value in water_dict.items()]) oh_1 = minimize_vectors( h_positions[h_indices[:, 0]] - o_positions[o_indices], box=cell.cellpar(), ) oh_2 = minimize_vectors( h_positions[h_indices[:, 1]] - o_positions[o_indices], box=cell.cellpar(), ) dipoles = np.ones(o_positions.shape) * np.nan dipoles[o_indices, :] = oh_1 + oh_2 return dipoles
[docs]class WaterOrientation(AnalysisBase): """ Analyze water density and orientation near surfaces using MDAnalysis. Inspired by WatAnalysis ( -- credit to Jia-Xin Zhu. Parameters ---------- xyz : str Path to the input XYZ trajectory file. cell : ase.cell.Cell Simulation cell object defining periodic boundaries. surf1 : np.ndarray Atom indices defining the first surface. surf2 : np.ndarray Atom indices defining the second surface. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments: - `dt` : float Time step between frames in the trajectory. Default is 1.0 ps. - `verbose` : bool Verbosity level for AnalysisBase. - `oh_cutoff` : float Maximum O-H bond length to define water molecules. Default is 2 Å. - `strict` : bool Strict handling of water molecules (identify water molecules again each timestep). Default is False. - `origin` : str Where to place the coordinate system origin ("surf1" for the first surface or "center" for the electrolyte center). Default is "surf1". - `dz` : float Bin size for density profiles in Å. Default is 0.1. - `oxygen_indices` : list[int] Indices of oxygen atoms. Default selects all atoms with name "O". - `hydrogen_indices` : list[int] Indices of hydrogen atoms. Default selects all atoms with name "H". Attributes ---------- cell : ase.cell.Cell Simulation cell object. surf1_ag : AtomGroup Atom group for the first surface. surf2_ag : AtomGroup Atom group for the second surface. oh_cutoff : float Maximum O-H bond length. strict : bool Strict handling of water molecules. origin : str Coordinate system origin method. dz : float Bin size for density profiles. o_ag : AtomGroup Atom group for oxygen atoms. h_ag : AtomGroup Atom group for hydrogen atoms. water_dict : Dict[int, List[int]] Mapping of oxygen atom indices to two bonded hydrogen atom indices. """ def __init__( self, xyz: str, cell: Cell, surf1: np.ndarray, surf2: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ):"Performing water density and orientation analysis") # Setup Universe universe = Universe( xyz, transformations=trans.boxdimensions.set_dimensions(cell.cellpar()), dt=kwargs.get("dt", 1.0), # Might be useful in the future (dynamics) ) # Save required arguments self.cell = cell"Cell: %s", str(cell)) self.surf1_ag = universe.select_atoms(*[f"index {i}" for i in surf1]) self.surf2_ag = universe.select_atoms(*[f"index {i}" for i in surf2])"Surface 1 atom indices: %s", str(surf1))"Surface 2 atom indices: %s", str(surf2)) # Initialize AnalysisBase super().__init__(universe.trajectory, verbose=kwargs.get("verbose", None)) # Parse optional kwargs self.oh_cutoff = kwargs.get("oh_cutoff", 2) self.strict = kwargs.get("strict", False)"Strict handling of water molecules: strict=%s", str(self.strict)) self.origin = kwargs.get("origin", "surf1")"Coordinate system origin: origin=%s", self.origin) = kwargs.get("dz", 0.1)"Bin size for density profiles: dz=%.2f", # Define atom groups o_indices = kwargs.get("oxygen_indices", None) if o_indices: self.o_ag = universe.select_atoms(*[f"index {i}" for i in o_indices]) else: self.o_ag = universe.select_atoms("name O") h_indices = kwargs.get("hydrogen_indices", None) if h_indices: self.h_ag = universe.select_atoms(*[f"index {i}" for i in h_indices]) else: self.h_ag = universe.select_atoms("name H") self.water_dict = identify_water_molecules( self.h_ag.positions, self.o_ag.positions, self.cell, oh_cutoff=self.oh_cutoff, ) # Define results objects self.n_frames = None self.results.z1 = None self.results.z2 = None self.results.z_water = None self.results.cos_theta = None self.results.dipole = None
[docs] def get_origin( self, z1: Union[float, np.ndarray], z2: Union[float, np.ndarray] ) -> np.ndarray: """ Determine the origin for the coordinate system. Parameters ---------- z1 : float or np.ndarray Z-coordinate(s) of the first surface. z2 : float or np.ndarray Z-coordinate(s) of the second surface. Returns ------- np.ndarray Z-coordinate(s) of the origin based on the specified reference (`"center"` or `"surf1"`). Defaults to an array of zeros if the origin is not recognized. """ z1 = np.atleast_1d(z1) z2 = np.atleast_1d(z2) if self.origin == "center": return (z1 + z2) / 2 if self.origin == "surf1": return z1 return np.zeros(z1.shape)
def _prepare(self): # At this point, n_frames is set by self._setup_frames in the base class # Initialize results self.results.z1 = np.zeros(self.n_frames) self.results.z2 = np.zeros(self.n_frames) self.results.z_water = np.zeros((self.n_frames, len(self.o_ag))) self.results.cos_theta = np.zeros((self.n_frames, len(self.o_ag))) self.results.dipole = np.zeros((self.n_frames, len(self.o_ag), 3)) def _single_frame(self): """ Compute surface position, water density and cos theta for a single frame """ # Surface position # Apply minimum image convention in case part of the layer crosses the # cell z-boundaries z1 = mic_1d(self.surf1_ag.positions[:, 2], cell=self.cell[2][2]).mean() z2 = mic_1d(self.surf2_ag.positions[:, 2], cell=self.cell[2][2]).mean() self.results.z1[self._frame_index] = z1 self.results.z2[self._frame_index] = z2 # Oxygen density np.copyto(self.results.z_water[self._frame_index], self.o_ag.positions[:, 2]) # Dipoles if self.strict: self.water_dict = identify_water_molecules( self.h_ag.positions, self.o_ag.positions, self.cell, oh_cutoff=self.oh_cutoff, ) dipole = get_dipoles( self.h_ag.positions, self.o_ag.positions, self.water_dict, cell=self.cell, ) np.copyto(self.results.dipole[self._frame_index], dipole) # Cos theta cos_theta = (dipole[:, 2]) / np.linalg.norm(dipole, axis=-1) np.copyto(self.results.cos_theta[self._frame_index], cos_theta) def _conclude(self): # Surface area area = self.cell.area(2) # Refer everything to the left surface (z1), then move everything # to be within one cell length positive of z1 z1 = np.zeros(self.results.z1.shape) z2 = mic_1d( self.results.z2 - self.results.z1, cell=self.cell[2][2], reference=self.cell[2][2] / 2, ) z_water = mic_1d( self.results.z_water - self.results.z1[:, np.newaxis], cell=self.cell[2][2], reference=self.cell[2][2] / 2, ) # Set coordinate origin origin = self.get_origin(z1, z2) z1 -= origin z2 -= origin z_water -= origin[:, np.newaxis] z1_mean = z1.mean() z2_mean = z2.mean() # Water density: check valid water molecules (O with 2 H) valid = ~np.isnan(self.results.cos_theta.flatten()) counts, bin_edges = np.histogram( z_water.flatten()[valid], bins=int((z2_mean - z1_mean) /, range=(z1_mean, z2_mean), ) n_water = counts / self.n_frames grid_volume = np.diff(bin_edges) * area self.results.density_profile = [ bin_edges_to_grid(bin_edges), water_density(n_water, grid_volume), ] # Water orientation counts, bin_edges = np.histogram( z_water.flatten()[valid], bins=int((z2_mean - z1_mean) /, range=(z1_mean, z2_mean), weights=self.results.cos_theta.flatten()[valid], ) self.results.orientation_profile = [ bin_edges_to_grid(bin_edges), counts / self.n_frames, ]
[docs] def save_profiles(self, filename: str): """ Save the z-axis, water density, and orientation profiles to a text file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the output file. """ z, rho = self.results.density_profile _, cos_theta = self.results.orientation_profile np.savetxt( filename, np.stack((z, rho, cos_theta)).T, header="z [A], water_density [rho/cm3], cos_theta [rho/cm3]", )
[docs] def plot_orientation(self, ax: Axes, sym: bool = False) -> None: """ Plot the orientation profile of water molecules. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object to plot on. sym : bool, optional If True, plots the symmetrized profile. Default is False. Returns ------- None """ x, y = self.results.orientation_profile if sym: y = (y - y[::-1]) / 2 ax.plot(x, y) ax.fill_between(x, y, alpha=0.5) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\rho \langle \cos \theta \rangle$ / g cm$^{-3}$") ax.set_xlabel(r"$z$ / Å")
[docs] def plot_density(self, ax: Axes, sym: bool = False) -> None: """ Plot the density profile of water molecules. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object to plot on. sym : bool, optional If True, plots the symmetrized profile. Default is False. Returns ------- None """ x, y = self.results.density_profile if sym: y = (y + y[::-1]) / 2 ax.plot(x, y) ax.fill_between(x, y, alpha=0.5) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\rho$ / g cm$^{-3}$") ax.set_xlabel(r"$z$ / Å")