Source code for ectoolkits.utils.math

import numpy as np

[docs]def birch_murnaghan_equation(V, V0, E0, B0, B0_prime): V_ratio = np.power(np.divide(V0, V), np.divide(2, 3)) E = E0 + np.divide((9 * V0 * B0), 16) * (np.power(V_ratio - 1, 3) * B0_prime + np.power((V_ratio - 1), 2) * (6 - 4 * V_ratio)) return E
[docs]def fit_plane_normal(xyz): """Three dimensional plane fitting for a group of points Args: xyz (numpy.ndarray): Your group of points, i.e., atoms in non-orthogonal cells forming a plane Returns: numpy.ndarray: Normalized plane's normal vector. z>0. """ A = np.concatenate( [xyz[:, :-1], np.ones(xyz.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]], axis=1) b = xyz[:, -1] tA = A.T RHS = np.matmul(tA, b) tAA = np.matmul(tA, A) x = np.matmul(np.linalg.pinv(tAA), RHS) pred_b = np.matmul(A, x) std_devi = np.sum((pred_b - b)**2)/b.shape[0] print("Standard deviation for plain fitting is {0:.3e}".format(std_devi)) normal_z = np.append(x[:-1], [-1]) return -normal_z/np.linalg.norm(normal_z)
[docs]def fit_line_vec(xyz): """Fit the direction vector for a group of sampling points. Use PCA algorithm find the direction vector for a group of points. The PCA method reference:,and%20that%20involves%20what%20are%20called%20principal%20components. Args: xyz (numpy.ndarray): Your group of points """ x0 = xyz.mean(axis=0) X = xyz PX = X - x0 Xt = X.T XtPX = np.matmul(Xt, PX) vals, vecs = np.linalg.eig(XtPX) line_vec = vecs[np.argmax(vals)] # How to calculating error? return line_vec/np.linalg.norm(line_vec)
[docs]def get_norm_vector(a, b): """ obtain normal vector of a plane contain vectors a and b Args: ----------- a (_type_): _description_ b (_type_): _description_ Returns: ----------- _type_: _description_ Notes: ----------- _notes_ Examples: ----------- _examples_ """ nv_a = np.cross(a, b) norm = np.linalg.norm(nv_a) nv_a = nv_a/norm return nv_a
[docs]def get_plane_distance(a, b): # \ # \ # \ # ---------> a len_a = np.linalg.norm(a) proj_b =, a) * a / len_a**2 plane_d = np.linalg.norm(b - proj_b) return plane_d
[docs]def get_plane_eq(a, b, c=np.array([0, 0, 1])): """ obtain plane equation Args: ----------- a (_type_): _description_ b (_type_): _description_ c (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to np.array([0, 0, 1]). Returns: ----------- _type_: _description_ Notes: ----------- _notes_ Examples: ----------- _examples_ """ n_vec_a = get_norm_vector(c, a) d1_a = np.abs(, a)) d2_a = np.abs(, a+b)) n_vec_b = get_norm_vector(b, c) d1_b = np.abs(, b)) d2_b = np.abs(, a+b)) return n_vec_a, d1_a, d2_a, n_vec_b, d1_b, d2_b