this script put misc function here.
from typing import Union
import os
import shutil
from random import random
import numbers
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis
from ase.build import molecule
from ectoolkits.structures.slab import Slab
# frequently used unit convertion
au2eV = 27.211386245988
au2A = 0.529177210903
[docs]def mic_1d(
array: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
cell: float,
reference: Union[str, float] = "first",
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
Apply the minimum image convention (MIC) to a 1D array.
This function translates positions in a one-dimensional periodic system to
the unit cell centered around a certain reference point.
By default, the reference point is the first element of the array.
array : numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of float values representing positions.
cell : float
The length of the periodic cell.
reference : {'first', float}, optional
The reference point for adjustments. Use the first element of `array`
if 'first', or a custom numeric value. Defaults to 'first'.
The adjusted array of positions within the principal cell centered
around the reference point.
if reference == "first":
_ref = array[0]
elif isinstance(reference, numbers.Number):
_ref = reference
raise ValueError(
"'reference' must be 'first' or a number, "
f"got {reference} of type {type(reference)}"
_tmp_arr = array - _ref
_tmp_arr = _tmp_arr - np.round(_tmp_arr / cell) * cell
return _tmp_arr + _ref
[docs]def insert_water(atoms, z1, z2, water_num, model='random', space_x=0.3, space_y=0.3, space_z=0.3):
# make a copy
tmp = atoms.copy()
tmp = Slab(tmp)
point_x = int(np.linalg.norm(tmp.get_cell()[0])/space_x)
point_y = int(np.linalg.norm(tmp.get_cell()[1])/space_y)
point_z = int((z2-z1)/space_z)
if water_num == 0:
return tmp
if model == 'grid':
water_added_counter = 0
for i in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, point_x):
for j in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, point_y):
for k in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, point_z):
water_z = z1+(z2-z1)*k
cell_vec_a = tmp.get_cell()[0]
cell_vec_b = tmp.get_cell()[1]
water_xyz_pos = cell_vec_a*i + cell_vec_b*j
water_xyz_pos[2] += water_z
H2O = molecule("H2O")
O_idx = len(tmp)-3
if len(tmp.get_neighbor_list(O_idx, 2.5)) == 2:
water_added_counter += 1
print("add water at {0}".format(water_xyz_pos))
print("add one water succeessfully")
if water_added_counter == water_num:
print(f"add {water_num} water molecules done")
return tmp
del tmp[-3:]
print(f"reject, the water overlaps with other water at {water_xyz_pos}", end='\r')
print(f"add {water_added_counter} water molecules, could not find enough space to add water")
return tmp
elif model == 'random':
for i in range(water_num):
water_overlap = True
while water_overlap:
water_z = z1+(z2-z1)*random()
cell_vec_a = tmp.get_cell()[0]
cell_vec_b = tmp.get_cell()[1]
water_xyz_pos = cell_vec_a*random() + cell_vec_b*random()
water_xyz_pos[2] += water_z
H2O = molecule("H2O")
O_idx = len(tmp)-3
if len(tmp.get_neighbor_list(O_idx, 2.5)) == 2:
water_overlap = False
print("add water at {0}".format(water_xyz_pos))
print("add one water succeessfully")
del tmp[-3:]
print("reject, the water overlaps with other water", end='\r')
return tmp
print("model must be grid or random")
return None
[docs]def get_cum_mean(array):
tot = 0.0
cum_mean_array = []
for idx, i in enumerate(array):
tot += i
cum_mean_array = np.array(cum_mean_array)
return cum_mean_array
[docs]def set_pbc(pos, cell):
"""set pbc for a list of Atoms object"""
for single_pos in pos:
[docs]def get_rdf_list(pos, r, nbin, frames, elements):
pos: a list of atoms object
r: the radial length
nbin: the bin number in the radial range
frames: how much pos number will you consider
elements: the atom pair
tmp_info = Analysis(pos)
# this wil get a rdf for every snapshot
tmp_rdf_list = tmp_info.get_rdf(
r, nbin, imageIdx=slice(0, frames, 1), elements=elements)
return tmp_rdf_list
[docs]def get_rdf(pos, r, nbin, frames, elements):
tmp_rdf_list = get_rdf_list(pos, r, nbin, frames, elements)
tot_gr = np.zeros(nbin)
for s_gr in tmp_rdf_list:
tot_gr += s_gr/frames
return tot_gr
[docs]def file_content(file, num):
# read a specific line of file or return the block
# file: enter file name
# num: a integer -> return specific line content
# a tuple (num1, num2) -> return the line content
# between num1 and num2-1
# a tuple (num1, ) -> return the line content from
# num1, to the end of file
if isinstance(num, int):
with open(file) as f:
for _idx, line in enumerate(f):
if _idx == num:
return line
elif isinstance(num, tuple):
content = ""
if len(num) == 2:
with open(file) as f:
for _idx, line in enumerate(f):
if (_idx >= num[0]) and (_idx < num[1]):
content += line
elif _idx >= num[1]:
return content
elif len(num) == 1:
with open(file) as f:
for _idx, line in enumerate(f):
if (_idx >= num[0]):
content += line
return content
raise ValueError("The length of range is wrong!")
[docs]def create_path(path, bk=False):
"""create 'path' directory. If 'path' already exists, then check 'bk':
if 'bk' is True, backup original directory and create new directory naming 'path';
if 'bk' is False, do nothing.
path ('str' or 'os.path'): The direcotry you are making.
bk (bool, optional): If . Defaults to False.
path += '/'
if os.path.isdir(path):
if bk:
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
counter = 0
while True:
bkdirname = dirname + ".bk{0:03d}".format(counter)
if not os.path.isdir(bkdirname):
shutil.move(dirname, bkdirname)
counter += 1
print("Target path '{0}' exsists. Backup this path to '{1}'.".format(
path, bkdirname))
"Target path '{0}' exsists. No backup for this path.".format(path))